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Everything posted by johnny

  1. johnny

    Broody hens

    Iam after a couple of broody hens to sit on some pheasant eggs. Need to be near Cambridge Cheers john
  2. Iam building a solar water heater for my pool. I've painted a board black and coiled about 150 m of black pipe on it. Will it make a lot of difference if I put a sheet of glass over the pipe, and what's the best glass to use or is twin wall polycarbonate any good? Hope someone can help Cheers john
  3. For what tractor or truck?
  4. All this a vote for ukip is a vote for labour is really ******* me off. it's my vote and I will vote for who I want. Why not a vote for Tory or lib dem is a vote for labour. Ok the Tories haven't done to bad but they are still to soft. I voted Tory last time but not this time.
  5. Don't know where your leaving your boat but last week three sites on the yare got done lots of outboards and and other stuff taken. my boat got done at Langley broke in and nick my tools and remote spot lamp. Only been there a week.
  6. Got my boat on its new mooring on the broads Friday. And had a night at reedham and Loddon. Trying to get friday for a long weekend on the boat.
  7. So we are stuck with Tory for ever. Weren't we going to get a vote with tory on Europe, oh yeah more lies. Nothing much between blue and red really which is why iam voting for change.
  8. Iam voting for change which is why iam voting ukip. If that means the reds get in so be it, will only be for 5 yrs then things may get better from then. The blues have done a ok job but they are still to soft.
  9. That's good news. Shame about the no shows I don't why people do that it's so annoying
  10. Glad you have found a good home for them and I understand it's a horrible decision to get rid of your dogs. But iam a bit ****** off as I was under the impression that with me arranging on the phone to come and see the dogs. You would I've me first refusal.
  11. Could my post not have stayed in the dog section as I feel more people may see it. Does anyone look in here I know I don't. Cheers john
  12. Hello after a nightmare two weeks ago and my 3yr old dog getting run over after a very good first season I'm now after a new dog. Now I'm looking for something from about 12mths up to about six years dont mind wether springer cocker or lab. I don't have the sort of cash to buy a fully trained dog but if anyone should here of someone either giving up or not good enough for them. Please let me know. Ideally looking for something I can beat and pick up with aswell as come in the hide with me. Cheers john
  13. Yes it looks nice. Looking forward to moving up proberly for Easter, then spend a week on holiday on it.
  14. I've got a fjord 27 been on the great ouse for 7yrs but this spring we are moving it to the broads. So at the moment it's sat on my trailer in a barn at work awaiting a polish and anti foul.
  15. Got a ifor Williams 12x6 flat bed with sides and ramps 3500kg. Iam near cambridge
  16. Don't I've just kicked my tele in watching the trailer for next week
  17. I will give you £120 for it if thats any good? Cheers john
  18. No takers. Ok I will chuck in a cup of coffee and a piece of cake.
  19. I used to shhot a lot of ground round Harlow. Best 3 yrs shooting I had with all those town pigeons
  20. I need an old 3ph compressor wiring up to mains. Willing to give a couple of nights lamping or days decoying in return. Just north of cambridge Cheers john
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