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About Clark539

  • Birthday 27/07/1984

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  1. If you do want a Union, dont join the GMB im a rep and from experiance, there useless
  2. I have to admit i do like the new coutryfile time as I work sundays and it means I can sit down in the evening and watch something that isn't X-Sh***e or somethiing else of equal quality with my son. However Adam and his farm does annoy me as its not really representive of British farming. He has two many fingers in too many pies. Farmers cant all breed rare breeds or selll there grain to artisan bakers. They should be addressing real problems in farms like the the price of milk not covering the production price. I think Adam on his own makes the hole show a bit weak.
  3. The finest everards has to offer. Tiger (the liestershire one)
  4. Hi, Were abouts in south wales are you.
  5. Jsut thought id add this: Try driving a 4 ton army bedford that weighs 12 with no power steering, no aircon, no cigerate lighter to run you DVD player and to top it all your Commanding officers signed a drivers hours waver so youre exceptionaly tired and youve got to drive from Biedfel ridge in Germany to Zubrugge in a 40 mile an hour (if your not going up hill) convoy. This not to mention what happens on ops. Im not really fussed about the 30K+ pay check more that threer asking for a 13% pay rise and now they trying for 7.3% Put it in perspective im a MOD civil servant on low wages and the government dont want to give us a rise at all but we will probably get 1.9%, teachers got around 3.5% nurses got 8% so are you telling me tanker drivers are on a par with nurses. Im sure there 2 week C+E course and 1 week city and guilds HAZMAT course compares with a near degree or degree of nurses. It just smacks as a little bit greedy. They Know shells profits and they know the effect on the country.
  6. What would be the lowest number you would sell or are you just trying to get rid of the lot.
  7. Clark539

    EMA sucks

    Do you really need EMA http://www.armedforces.co.uk/raf/listings/l0049.html And i bet hes got a quarter aswell theres only one word for :unsure: people like you and you wont need an EMA to work it out.
  8. Definetly cool for £200. Incedently i work for the MOD and weve got plenty of landys. The straps attach above the windscreen to keep the canopy on. Hope it helps.
  9. I saw this in a well known shooting magazine thought you might like it. I Recall an incident reported by a Suffolk beater friend in which a large Labrador and a small cocker spaniel came together upon a downed pheasant. They both picked-up the bird and had a brief ownership disspute. The Labrador released the bird, the spaniel retained it, and the labrador picked up the spaniel by the scruff and delivered both dog and bird to his master. If only that could have been photographed.
  10. I have to admit they do seem a bit thick for are mild climate at the moment
  11. Clark539


    Whats an Iron is it for Golf
  12. Clark539


    Massive Melons Monthly Genius
  13. Clark539


    Hi i enjoy reading the shooting times as it keeps me in touch with a wide varetiy of country matters not just shooting. Just out of curosity i wondred what other people read.
  14. I work for the millitary so genrally aquire my clothing through them. However to look the part (and not unkempt) i was thinking of investing in a new jacket. I have seen a Deerhunter game Jacket on various offers in the shooting times and I was wondering if anyone had any experiance with them. Cheers
  15. I always vote and always torey. I have to admit though i dont like David Cameron so it might be UKIP this time round.
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