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Found 2 results

  1. Hello folks I've been target shooting (0.22LR, NSRA member) for a couple of years now; just before moving to Gravesend from London in December I got myself an Air Arms S410: mainly with the intention of keeping the feral ******** off my sweetpeas and for a bit of rabbit for the pot, given the chance. FAC has 0.22 and a slot for a .308 (both for targets). Will probably get a hunting .223 and a shotgun ticket in a few years. Rumour has it there's a gunsmith somewhere at the end of Thong Lane—anyone heard about that? Could be useful in a couple of years... Anyway, main question: rumour also has it that the farmers off Thong Lane tolerate if not encourage vermin & game shooting. Anyone know them? Just off to check out the BASC too, but you look like smart people cheers
  2. Rat problem at my dads farm! We have alot of rats really annoying my dad as they are ruining all the barley and meal for the cows & sheep. So we really want rid of them. My dad is really not a fan of poison as he says you don't know where the rats carry it and he doesn't like it with the dogs around. Also similar with traps as the rats are HUGE so takes really big steel bear claw type traps to get them which would probably kill the dog if he was to walk over it! so he doesn't use it anymore. We have got a few with the Jack Russell and sticks Yes sticks (Yard Brush Shafts to be exact). It is now rare to have a big lot of them on the floor as they are aware of the jack Russell now. So they are on grain bags, Work benches, Shelves, Ledges on walls, Joists and steels on the roof etc. (we have two entry's to the worst shed of rats and above two doors there are large ledges for storing ropes & caned stuff etc which is crawling with them. The jack Russell is not the best dog in the world for catching them but honestly has the best nose you ever seen and can pick up cent and locate exact position of a rat in any shed in 20 seconds. If you then poke that with a stick one will run out and run across steels and down wood etc to escape point. They move too fast for the air rifle and shotgun would likely blow the shed up! So i am wondering if i could use these! Birdshot 22lr load. I have used these before on a rat down a steel pipe and i blocked the other side and then shot down it at about 5 yards and i thought it would turn it to soup but it was un-noticeable that it was shot! So i am wondering what this would do to tin roof or if you shot at one scaling a rope along the wall would some pickles from the shot come back at you or would it be dangerous. I think there are 100+ pickles in each 22 bullet so they are smaller than grains of sand so damage may be un-noticeable? All advice is appreciated! Thanks in Advance!
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