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Found 11 results

  1. I am currently looking for permissions from land owners / farmers for vermin control / crop protection. I am fully insured up to £10 million. I shoot alone and I take shooting very seriously! I use a very quiet pneumatic charged .22 air rifle with night vision capability. I am available to shoot most days / evenings. Thank you. Craig - 07496531378 c_smith1983@hotmail.com
  2. Hi all, I am in need of vermin for taxidermy so anything from crows to foxes etc would be great. I live in the north west and dont mind travelling, thanks.
  3. A few people recently have said to me:- 'That isn't a Crow it's a Jackdaw' This left me perplexed, a Jackdaw is a member of the Crow Family just like a Rook or Carrion Crow. And the RSPB describe them as 'a Small black crow' https://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/discoverandlearn/birdguide/name/j/jackdaw/ So why do people think they are not? I genuinely don't understand in what way people think they are correcting me? I can see the need to refer to a Magpie or a Jay specifically given they look different and so whilst being Corvids are not exactly Crows. But a Jackdaw? It's a Crow!
  4. Any one on here used a U-Caller to get close up pictures of crows,thinking of buying one.
  5. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone knew of any books aimed at shooting crows/corvids? Or if anyone could give me some information on where or on what crops/fields/raptor decoy is best to shoot them for each different time of the year? Thanks
  6. Hello, Being new to shooting, and a complete novice at shooting crows or pigeon, as I don’t normally shoot well I thought I done quite well yesterday with 36 crows for 60 shots. Started 07.30 hide set up decoys out and fin 12.00. I have Never shot so well with the crows coming in to me right from the word go, started to ease up around 11ish. 1 very happy guy :)
  7. Hello everyone looking to see If there is anyone with permission in the Bristol/Bath and surrounding area that would let me come out shooting with them or let me shoot on their permission ? fully licenced and insurance (BASC) for 10 year.. I've got my own Shot Guns and air rifles, and all the gear that's needed. I'd appreciate any chance to get out & would be prepared to pay a few quid for the privilege if need be, happy to return the favour when I get my own permission. if any one can help out and fancy meeting before going out shooting please P.M me and can go from there. Thanks in advance Dave.
  8. 'Hallo Charlie. Just some shooting pictures from the last few outings, normally 2 or 3 of us shooting from separate hides. Based near Portsmouth, we've been setting up not far from the gamekeepers pens. Nothing in the pens this time of year and making the most of shooting these fields while we can. All using semi-autos, crow callers and lots of camo. Flocked crows as decoys in no particular pattern as long as its big. Mostly Crows and Jackdaws which have been decoying nicely. The occasional passing pigeon or birds that are coming back to roost.
  9. Hey there, I'm looking into gaining my own permissions but I would really prefer to tag along to a shoot with somebody from here that can show me a thing or two.. Any offers or advice just drop a comment. Am willing to set decoys ect and pay my own way maybe a little more to go with a certain person/s that can teach me the art of this great sport Also im new on here so any regular people from this site i would love to get talking to for future outings
  10. Well after seeing so many people on here decoying and getting good numbers of pigeons and crows I decided it was time to have a go at it myself. So whilst at the CLA Game fair I treated myself to 24 flocked pigeons 2 floaters and 6 crow decoys which had been sat in their bag for a couple of weeks till now. So time off came and these little beauties came out..... So Day 1 I trundled down to my permission and spoke to the farmer to find out where he has been having the most trouble with crows and he pointed me in the right direction. So set up by 1030 with my pigeons 30 yards to the front and slightly to the right in what look like a 6 and then the crows slightly to the left again in the shape of a 6. With the wind going straight over my head towards the decoys. Thought it was going to take forever for birds to come in but I hadn't even got comfy behind my cam net when the first pigeon came in. They just kept on coming the crows came in in massive numbers I couldn't reload fast enough as I am only using an old non ejector 12g. But got 11 crows and 6 pigeons Day 2 Set up for 0930 on a different field taking a friend with me this time as he had never done any decoying either and wanted to witness what I was ranting on about the night before. Unfortunately there wasn't much wind yesterday so wasn't really sure how to set up my decoys anyway I set up and put the hide under some trees and had the dog bed today to sit on. But again 5 minutes in and we already had 5 in the bag. I kept putting the shot birds out making my crow flock up to about 15 before I stopped putting them out and just started piling them up. Unfortunately I got a call which meant we had to pack up and go home early. We still got 22 crows and 11 pigeons
  11. Hi, I live in North Wales, and am looking for permission to shoot on this winter, preferably in North Wales, Cheshire, Shropshire. I own a .22 air rifle (so am restricted to rabbits, pigeons and small game/pests) but am looking to apply for a licence at the start of 2013. I enjoy shooting as often as I can but I am having trouble finding permission with plenty of game. I've asked a few farms around my area but they already have people doing the job for them, so I would be more than grateful of any shooting or buddying anyone. I am a bank clerk, I enjoy socialising with friends and fishing. I look forward to some replies! Nathan Hosie. PS. Ferreting is also available, if real problem with rabbits.
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