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  1. I have several spaces remaining on some of my shoots - available immediately. Runs from 1st April to 31 March each year. You are supplied with personal & vehicle passes and can attend at almost any time without making bookings, shoot when you like. Good varied quarry. Please p.m me with your full name, email address and contact phone number. I will mail you back a set of rules for information & arrange to have you shown round ASAP. My bailiff will be showing perspective members round this Friday during the day & will call you for a chat. Now the light evenings are here, evening viewings will be available as well. I have four places available at a Rawreth/WIckford shoot priced at £400 pgpa. I have one place available at a Billericay shoot priced at £420 pgpa Just One gun available at a lovely Rennendon/Runwell shoot at £550 pgpa. Just One gun available at a nice starter shoot at Runwell for just £175 pgpa. If you are the sort of person that shoots anything that moves without caring what it is - this is not the syndicate for you. I expect members to be respectful, considerate & safe. I only supply the appropriate number of guns depending of the size/type of shoot, nothing is overshot. I have 27 years experience in this area & am proud of my reputation. I can provide all details via email or telephone. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gordon
  2. Hi All, I’m trying to gain permission in northampton for pest control. I am currently trying my best to knock on doors and call in as many favours. As I know there is a huge network here I thought I would ask. Fully insured with BACS and have a good amount of experience. Currently using air rifle and plan to upgrade to SGC and FAC when possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all, Sam
  3. Ex-Gamekeeper (now wildlife artist), approaching retirement years, seeks permission for rabbit control with single well controlled dog, and/or possibly pigeon shooting. Living in Cawston, Norfolk, so around North/Mid Norfolk. Well known charity artist for Wild In Art and Break, full understanding of safety, crops, game species and general trust building through respect. Phil Daniels (see ukartist.co.uk) Email: phil@ukartist.co.uk Tel: 01603 879378
  4. I am currently looking for permissions from land owners / farmers for vermin control / crop protection. I am fully insured up to £10 million. I shoot alone and I take shooting very seriously! I use a very quiet pneumatic charged .22 air rifle with night vision capability. I am available to shoot most days / evenings. Thank you. Craig - 07496531378 c_smith1983@hotmail.com
  5. Hi there, Two of us would like to get out for a weekend's rabbit and pigeon shooting, first weekend of July, anywhere around Reading (I am based in Hook, so south would be optimal)... We'd ideally like to do a whole weekend of sport as my mate now lives abroad and this is the first trip we've had for a while. Hope you can help! Mike
  6. I decided last night that I would have Rabbit Burgers at some point today. So I took three rabbit legs out of the freezer and put them in salt water to defrost over night. This morning I proceded to cut the meat off the bone and within the muscle of one of the legs there was what lloked like a spotty white sack. I poped said sack (rouhghley the size of the end of ones thum) and out came a frog spawn like clear goo suspended in which was little white dots (I presume eggs of some kind). So I chucked this leg and made my burgers with the other two... which I have now eaten. So my question is what was it? (My guess would be some kind of tapeworm eggs?) And should I chuck the rest of my Rabbit as I joint it before freezing I have no Idea which meat corosponds to which Rabbit (and there is only about half a freezer draw full at the moment) Many Thanks, James
  7. Hi all, As a quick note of introduction - I've been shooting (mainly .22 rim fire, .223 and 12 bore shotguns) in North Yorkshire for the last few years, and have recently relocated can to Maidenhead, Berkshire. I've also bought a BSA R10 mk 2 air rifle and am looking for a permission to go shooting. I enjoy shooting pigeons, crows, squirrels and rabbits etc, and would love to get a fox! My postcode is SL6 9LR and I'm happy anywhere with in an hours drive. I'm a responsible chap and a BASC member - so am fully insured. I can be free all day most weekends and occasionly on a week day. Would be very great full to anyone who can help me out... Thanks, Craig.
  8. Hello all. I have recently moved to east Wiltshire. Am looking forward to getting some good tips here, and if I can, offer some in return. Interested in pigeon obviously, but also rabbit, fox and Im also involved in deer management. good shooting to you all !
  9. Hi there, I'm having a bad run of imperfect livers and parasite infections. First up was Coenurosis which after some research I found that yes we can contract this infection and it is potentially fatal although very very rare. only 4 cases since 1983. the cyst itself dropped from beneath the back muscle tissue. check it out: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=coenurosis&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=677&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIwuWn6e6PxwIVSbYUCh3fqQwJ#imgrc=F7yTG637oV2JAM%3A However, the last couple of livers I've come across have displayed signs of what I think may be coccidiosis which I think means that the meat is still ok to eat. I've attchaed a couple of images if anyone cares to comment. I'm hoping that an old had will say "oh yeah that's all it is its fine get it down yer!". I absolutely hate having to waste an animal. I know its never truly a waste, but I only hunt for food. cheers
  10. Hello, I am looking at getting myself a new air rifle, I want a pcp .22 cal gun, I am wanting a multi shot but would like some opinions on what rifle to get, what is the best air rifle around? I have a budget of about £800 may exceed if needed, I don't mind if it is brand new or second hand I just want a really accurate and reliable gun that I can go rabbit shooting with as that's is my intended purpose and occasionally pidgions and other pests what suggestions makes and models do you lot have? I want a gun I can have for a good few years and won't let me down. Many thanks Alex
  11. Been looking for a permission to get started on. Experienced field target shooter wanting to go for live quarry. basa insured, sensible, well presentable and keen to do well. cheers people. Damo.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-27903858 A sign of the times.............. Er so thats perfectly legal then!
  13. Took the chance last night after finishing work and walking the hounds to get out over the cricket pitch and adjoining paddock. I let the farmer know I would be out past midnight. Whilst walking the hounds the local plod stopped me in the road asking if it was my pickup with the back open. "Yeah theres ****** all in it" she pointed out that she had checked and there was nothing in the back except a fold up shovel and gaffer tape. She thought someone was out burying bodies. Nice WPC had a little chuckle. As she was there told her I would be out in the fields later. She said if any calls come in she would cover them off so I don't get disturbed. I seem to remember I think her horses are in the paddock that the rabbits are decimating at the moment. anyway I digress. It was a stunning evening if a little brisk. Lots of wildlife on the move. Badgers, Foxes, Roe and Fallow Deer. Lots of things to spook the bunnies. One bunny shot nice clean kill just inside of max range i'd take a shot with a non FAC air rifle. The rest I could hear in the hedgerow but they didn't want to come out and play. I must try and get permission from the adjacent land owner so I can work the warren from both sides.
  14. Hi, Myself and some friends are looking for some shooting over the Surrey area. We are all very experiences shots and hold both firearms and shotgun licences. We also hold out own insurance. We are mainly looking for permission to shoot over land for pest control (rabbits, foxes etc...) but we are also looking for permission to shoot wood pigeons, crows etc. If you have any land that would be suitable or need some help in pest control or crop protection over the next year please get in touch. Simon
  15. Hi all Looking for permission to go ferreting in northampton/northamptonshire? anyone having trouble getting rid of rabbits an want some free help!? Let me know!
  16. I am looking for some opportunities to shhot with a buddy around the ipswich (ish) area. I have BASC insurance and shotgun, .22 rimfire and am happy to lamp for someone its not always about pulling the trigger being outdoors is always nice. have own gear and common sense so if your after a shooting buddy get in touch. Or if you hasve an issue with any birds etc get in touch i can come take alook for you and see if i can help you out.
  17. HI All, New year, new try on here! I am a sensible, insured newbie to hunting, been shooting for years SG, Fullbore & Air Rifle, after any sort of opportunity in Cheshire or Northwest UK for shooting of the above. Happy to travel etc within reasonable distance. Appreciate any help. Cheers Ian
  18. Hi there, I am looking for some pigeon/rook/rabbit shooting in the surrey area for a group of 5 guns. We are willing to pay and travel for this. Many thanks, Simon Lockyer
  19. My first rabbit with my marocchi 12g! Having trouble uploading the pic :( trying my best to get on it asap! Sorry folks!
  20. Couple of hours out last night on one of the permission.
  21. I had planned on a little trip out this morning and as I was heading out the door there was a "Daddy can I come pleeeeaaaaseeeee?!" Well after a hard day beating yesterday I wasnt planning on walking far so I said yes and he got all camoed up... http://i1171.photobu...zpsc58ce12e.jpg We got to the farm and had a walk up the lane, I spotted a rabbit 70 yards away so got my son in a good position to watch me stalk up to the bunny, I got to within 35 yards set my sticks up and made a clean miss!! Not happy I called my boy forward, as I was watching him he stopped and told me to look around, I turned slowly and there was a bunny sat on the tracks at 30 yards so I got on my sticks and took the shot and it was good, whats more my son was even closer to the action! I paunched it there and then explaing to my so all the time why and how and he was fine! http://i1171.photobu...81/DSC_0043.jpg We decided to head back to the car afterwards as little man had fallen in a muddy puddle! There were a few ferrals in the barns so we thought we would have a quickm crack at them as we had only been out for 45 mins, we ended up wih 2. http://i1171.photobu...81/DSC_0044.jpg I am one happy dad now!
  22. Hi everybody looking for some land to fly my gos hawk at rabbits fully insured
  23. Hi I am looking for land to utilise for Rabbit shooting. Got my FAC and insurance. Appreciate that this is a long shot, but worth trying....if you don't ask!!!!! Cheers Steve
  24. Wanted: Permission to shoot rabbits with moderated .22 with some Infra-red (no bright lamping) I live in Ottery so something close would be appreciated. Responsible (teacher) shooter aged 49. Hobby, to show my 3 (under 7yrs) kids that meat doesn't come wrapped in cellophane, not professional gun. Please PM me if you know of, or have anywhere appropriate. Thanks, Mark
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