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Good day


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On Saturday after the "dead bird out of the sky" incident; I drove to another farm and sat watching a field that was blue and black with birds. They were dropping in all over the field and I went for a walk about to see why. The gale force winds were blowing the soil like sandstorms right across to a wooded area.


There were pink seeds all over the top of the field. Thousands of them. My Birthday or what?


I sat watching for an hour or so and then decided the only safe hedge to shoot from was right up the top end of the field by a house.


I drove up to the house to ask permission if I could drive my jeep down through their back fields to my chosen spot.


The son came out and after a lot of argy-bargying he decided to allow me access. I had chatted to him for over an hour and by then it was too late to set up. Tomorrow :good:




I arrived at the same field and there were hundreds walking around picking up the now exposed seeds but hardly any wind at all and blowing in a different direction from the day before. I set up my deeks and had birds coming back in intermittently for an hour or two but a lot of birds were dropping down in the far corner of the field. I rang up a couple of mates to see if they fancied a session. One arrived with a shotgun and the other with his .22 Rimmy.


I gave them a choice of where to go and off they went. I could see the Rimmy shooter way up the field to my right , laying down in the long grass. We shot steady till 4.00pm when the birds just switched off and when we met back at the jeep the tally was


Myself - 38 pigeons 5 Rooks 2 Jackdaws

2nd Shottie -34 Pigeons

Rimmy - 38 Pigeons (snap)


What a brilliant achievement for D on the Rimmy as he said that he would have shot the 100; bar the fact that our shotguns were scaring the birds off just as they had landed.


Total 110 Pigeons


Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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