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Rubbish weekend


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Well I had an absolutely rubbish weekend on the pigeons, second one in a row now that i've come home empty handed! I just can't find a decent spot to be in on the 400 acres that I shoot over.


The farm is now mainly drills, which are greening nicely, and some wheat stubbles. I did about two hours recon on Sat morning and there wasn't more than one or two pigeons on any single field. Sunday came round and it was bright sunshine which means I can only use 6 of my deeks as the other plastic ones shine up badly. I know I shouldn't have bothered going out but stupidly I set out anyway and headed to a field of drilled wheat that had been covered in waders, gulls and crows the day before. I got nothing apart from one shot at a crow that I missed because I got tangled in my hide net!!!!!!!


I then moved to two fields that the farmer swears is being destroyed by pigeons, only to find nothing there again. I sat there for 20 mins and a good number flew over so I noted the flightline and set up again hoping to draw some in, but no luck! All seemed hell bent on flying as fast as they could to another field completely off my radar. On the plus side a buzzard flew right over my head close enough for me to practically look it in the eye. An awesome sight.


I'm using only static decoys so perhaps many of the passers by couldn't see my pattern, and I was also only able to use the 6 flocked shells, the other 14 had to stay in the bag because of the sun.


Just wanted to share a bad experience as all others i've read about the weekend have been good! :hmm:

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Well I had an absolutely rubbish weekend on the pigeons, second one in a row now that i've come home empty handed! I just can't find a decent spot to be in on the 400 acres that I shoot over.


The farm is now mainly drills, which are greening nicely, and some wheat stubbles. I did about two hours recon on Sat morning and there wasn't more than one or two pigeons on any single field. Sunday came round and it was bright sunshine which means I can only use 6 of my deeks as the other plastic ones shine up badly. I know I shouldn't have bothered going out but stupidly I set out anyway and headed to a field of drilled wheat that had been covered in waders, gulls and crows the day before. I got nothing apart from one shot at a crow that I missed because I got tangled in my hide net!!!!!!!


I then moved to two fields that the farmer swears is being destroyed by pigeons, only to find nothing there again. I sat there for 20 mins and a good number flew over so I noted the flightline and set up again hoping to draw some in, but no luck! All seemed hell bent on flying as fast as they could to another field completely off my radar. On the plus side a buzzard flew right over my head close enough for me to practically look it in the eye. An awesome sight.


I'm using only static decoys so perhaps many of the passers by couldn't see my pattern, and I was also only able to use the 6 flocked shells, the other 14 had to stay in the bag because of the sun.


Just wanted to share a bad experience as all others i've read about the weekend have been good! ;)


We all have them days mate :hmm:


I would recommend some sillosock jackets to cover the decoys up, plus they stand out very well too :hmm:




Also to add a little movement, try some of these :hmm:



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Cheers mate, might try some of those jackets. I was going to paint them with some sort of matt varnish but haven't gotten round to it.


I have some of those wobblerz, they sit in the bag becuase for the life of me I can't figure out how to attach them to my decoys. The only way i've managed it is to balance them on top of the stick but they fall of in the slightest breeze! I'm probably just being a numnuts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't despair matey, the last two times I've been out I've hit a big fat zero (and I'm off to sit in a field again in the morning just to add to my pain). The birds either don't like the pattern or are too intent on flying somewhere else to bother coming in for a butchers.


I look at it this way - Many people posting on the site don't even have any permission, so we're lucky to get the chance to post up about our bad days.


I have no doubt you'll pick a good day up soon enough...... :lol:

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