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More Roe

henry d

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Following on from my cull posts, I decided to try an earlier stalk tonight and set off at 4-30pm. When I got to the field I wanted to get to I got all the way up to the area I had seen a cull buck and the pricker stags and saw the buck I had earmarked for culling. He had a "poor" head and as there are a lot of roe about he is for culling.

I got to within 150 yds and he started to take an interest in me, so I steadied myself and took the shot.

He ran towards the fence and at high speed hit it and flipped over it, I didn`t see him get up so I walked up to him. He was dead and I gralloched him there.

I had him down as a 5 pointer with One side smaller than the other, however on close inspection he had broken one side just above the brow tine.

I phoned the `keeper as I am working tomorrow and Friday and didn`t want to leave the carcass in my shed and asked to leave it in his larder, it would be easier to cut out the bung etc. there too.


Anyway I cleaned it up and had a chinwag with him and one of the things he said was that there were too many yearlings and could I cull a few of these too :hmm:

Well I would try and so I set off with home, a pizza and a beer in mind, however as it was still early I thought I would visit a field just off a main road and see if a 2 point yearling buck I had seen was there. I looked out into the field and there was a roe there, but I couldn`t tell at that distance what it was, so I stalked up the field edge and saw 3 roe, 2 does and a buck :sick:

I stalked up until I was almost parallel with the rear most doe and checked the distance to the buck, 90 yds. Onto the sticks, squeeze, bang and he jumps turns and drops in a few paces. The 2 does run off and cross infront of me @ 70 yds and I see an old doe is with them, if I had have walked closer she would have heard, seen or scented me !


Anyhoo the `keeper is delighted as I am now getting them sorted. No pic of the second buck as I left the camera in the car.



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