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Winchester SX3 and something you should know.


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I recently purchased a Winchester SX3 composite and the dealer cocked up on the order and got me a 30" barrel version instead of the 26". They were very good about it all and told me to keep hold of the 30" gun and use it until they could supply me with the 26" one. When I came to putting it away in my gun cabinet I found it too tall to fit when fully built up. My cabinet is a standard 3 gun Bratton Sound one which is probably one of the most popular ones on the market so I just want to pass this information on to save anyone considering the 30" version from any disappointment or added hassel, having to break it down in order to lock it away in their cabinet.




P.S The winchester sx3 is awesome and anyone thinking of buying one should do so.

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I recently purchased a Winchester SX3 composite and the dealer cocked up on the order and got me a 30" barrel version instead of the 26". They were very good about it all and told me to keep hold of the 30" gun and use it until they could supply me with the 26" one. When I came to putting it away in my gun cabinet I found it too tall to fit when fully built up. My cabinet is a standard 3 gun Bratton Sound one which is probably one of the most popular ones on the market so I just want to pass this information on to save anyone considering the 30" version from any disappointment or added hassel, having to break it down in order to lock it away in their cabinet.




P.S The winchester sx3 is awesome and anyone thinking of buying one should do so.



This problem arose nearly 3 three years ago when the Browning pheonix was released, same again the standard 30" model would not fit in Brattonsound cabinets with a lockable top.


It was on this basis that brattonsound increased the standard size of it cabinets to 1515mm..........

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