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foxing monday night

jamie g

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went out for a lamp on some permission monday night and see a couple of foxes about. one wasnt hanging about. the second fox was moving right to left in cut field. again wouldnt stop then went out fo sight behind a dip in the gound.


got the 3 fox tho off top of my 4x4. 235 yards when ranged. not the longest shot in the world but my longest so far. i would perfer them to come in range even more. but sometimes they wont so have to have a longer shot at them.


see 4 roe deer to just sitting on the border of one field into the other by some train tracks. lovely watching them go about there life. there so alert and a joy to watch. any hoe here is a picture of the vixen as you see in cracking condition 001-2.jpg


there bales were still in the fields and a trailer was parked in one bales on top. be good early morning sniper point for fox or crows.

Edited by jamie g
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did you blow its leg off ? :unsure:


hi mate he was sat down shoulders hunched up like he was waiting to jump on something. when the bullet went through his shoulder and exit the part where his shoulder meets his leg must have been there. the bullet ripped through that then also.


his leg was hanging on by a thread of skin. i turned it over for pic as it wasnt nice to see. and some people dont like seeing them damage on here. besides it was a lovely looking fox so wanted a picture of the best side

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