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Subsonic Flyer

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I recently bought a .308 as I am shooting more Red's these days. My .243 has been great but I was looking a for a little more down range energy. I also enjoy long range target shooting out to 500 yards and thought you might be interested in some pictures. This rifle is the heavy barrel 26" version and has produced some great groups with reloads. (I dont shoot deer at this range for the obvious reasons)


Image 1 - View of the targets from behind the rifle


Image 2 - From the target back to the shooting position


Image 3 - The 8" x 9" steel target


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The remaining energy at 400 yards is 1,250 ft/lbs and at the muzzle its 2,800 ft/lbs. At 300 yards the bullets are almost through the 1/2 steel plate at 200 it passes through leaving a clean hole. I have made the targets so that they swing on impact, its great for seeing the strike and it helps reduce the damage to the plate. Its then just a case of hammering flat the strikes, a quick paint job and your good to go again.


The scope is a Schmidt & Bender PM11 3-12x50mm Mildot but I usually use the dial in turrets and a range card. I take my shots from the prone position using a Harris bipod . The key is knowing the range and reading the wind but there are some great ballistic programs that help overcome the guess work.


When I first gave it a go at 300 - 500 yards it looked a long long way, but you soon realise that most rifles are more than capable and with a little practice so are you.

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Couldn't agree more!


I've got a Steyr CISM and can do the same. I swap between Nightforce and Meopta scopes, it's supressed and sits on a Harris bipod. Great bit of kit.


And, here's a row coming, if you can do that at 400 yards, why not deer? One of the biggest supporters of the 'less than a hundred yards' opinion is fear. That's all it is. And, most people only shoot out to 100 yards on ranges so get a bit over cautious when it comes to longer ranges.


Know your kit and gain confidence.



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Hi Riothedog

CISM nice piece of kit!! You hit the nail on the head, its fear. Fear of missing, injuring, peer pressure, and everything else that goes through you mind when you’re just about to pull the trigger. My son and I lay watching a buck this weekend at 300 yards, good back stop, no wind but I could not bring myself to shoot it at that range. It’s ridiculous really as I have shot most types of vermin at much greater ranges with virtually all one shot kills. My attitude to acceptable range is changing though as my confidence grows and skill improves it just hasn’t reached 300 yards for deer yet.

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nice bit of shooting there my man ??? killing deer is all about how close you can get thats why they call it storking not culling ,a good deer storker can stork his deer in between 100rds to 50 yrds thats what you call a deer storker and any body can shoot a full size deer at 200yrds its the size of your front door if its a red weres the field skill in that .

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