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great few hours shooting... till it was ruined!

swedish chef

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Just got all my decoying gear through the post the other day and i've been dying to get out and have a bash with my new setup that has destroyed my bank account in the last month! :hmm: got set up on my new permission on some barley stubble along a hedgerow about 50 yards from a big oak tree at about 9 this morning and put up my hide using split bamboo canes, (havent got proper poles yet!) put out half a dozen flocked wobbly shells and waited for what I thought was going to be a quiet morning as I couldnt see many birds about at all. I'd been down to a grass field nearby with my mate right next to a major flightline a couple of times before and drawn a blank both times so wasn't expecting much! Within 10 minutes of setting up though I had birds coming in at me from all angles decoying in perfectly! I got my first bird within 20 minutes and within an hour and a half I had 8 ferals and a woodie, could have stayed all day and it all seemed to good to be true which it was, because the lady who owns the stables 250 yards away phoned the guy who runs the shooting on my land threatening to call the police because the noise was scaring her dog... ??? load of rubbish i reckon as the house is on the other side of the crest of a hill, but to be on the safe side we both phoned our respective FEO's and filled them in, they advised me to pack up until they can assess the situation and let us know where we stand. I reckon we are in the right here as we have to control the pigeons somehow but even so it was a right pain in the a** seeing as the day was going so well!

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had the same with a woman before but with horses. instead she sent me a snotty letter. so when i shoot that field now i go round and tell her so she knows. i don't shoot it very often perhaps twice a year.


i does annoy me though. i don't tell people not to keep horses so i can go shooting like they tell people not to shoot.

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