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New Member need some advice


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[SIZE=7]Hi all I have just joined this forum after lurking for a while, I have recently come back to the airgunning world after 20 years! I would like some advice on gaining shooting permission on land, I have written to some 17 local Farmers enclosing a sample agreement, my BASC membership number and a brief C.V. and so far all have said sorry no, either they have people already or they dont allow shooting!! Anyway its changed alot in 20 years, most farmers jumped at the chance of someone wanting to shoot vermin! I have been practicing with a Air Arms S200 .22 and I'm very impressed with the leap forward from my old Gamo springy! [/size]

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hello, goodevening and welcome B)


yep things really have changed a lot in the last 20 years when it comes to any form of shooting (apart from cross bows!!!!! :( never have and never will understand how these things are still legal in this country LOL)


its just a case of persevrance and luck when it comes to gaining land.


One way i have heard brought a bit of land to a lad at the club, all he did was place an ad in the free ads (big yello sales paper) and that worked for him.


Most land owners have no idea the potential of modern air rifles, accurate quiet and most importantly VERY effective at pest control.


But I have found that once you get one bit of land, you will probably find that you have other farmers coming after you to do thier land as well :lol: Its just a pain trying to get that first bit of land LOL


I wish you all the best in your quest for land.


ROB :lol:


PS if all else fails you could always print off a few postcard sized ads and pop them in rural news agents and shops, never know might work.

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Dont get discouraged, you'll be pleased as pounch when you get your first permission. As Rob mentions, once you get land and use it well, word of mouth does actually work. Its far easier to get land when you can make references or even better if someone referies for you.


One thing you can try is pointing out that you have seen they have a pest problem and that you are willing to take care of the problem at no cost to them. With all the other blurb, I am a competant shooter and registered with BASC with full up to date liability insurance etc etc.





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How often when you have had a flier through the post have you replied.? are you more likely to buy from someone face to face or through a mailer.?

my advice would be to go and see the farmer face to face, do not talk about the negatives like disturbing the neighbours with the noise, accidentally killing his livestock or straying off his land onto his neighbours, talk about the benefits of him having you there to control the pigeon population that may be feeding on his corn, the rabbits eating the freshly sown crops thus reducing his profit per acre, the crows that are ******** all over his silage or puncturing the cover, or the magpies and jays stealing songbird eggs.

Go and see him, dont preach to him, he will know about the downsides of pests, try to gain his confidence and he may, just may let you come on his land with a loaded weapon and shoot some of his pests. if he says he will call you if he has a particular problem, use that on his neighbour by saying that farmer Bloggs next door has said he will let you shoot on his land, (only a little white lie maybe), but its all to do with confidence, "farmer Bloggs has confidence in him so perhaps i will let him shoot also."

One last thing, farmers are always short of labour, offer to do some work for him, have you got any skills that he may be in need of, plumber, electrician, even if its mucking out his wifes horse once a month he will appreciate you not wanting somethoing for nothing. he will probably be working a lot more hours a day than you and if he thinks you are freeloading he will tell you where to get off.

If you get knocked back, try somewhere else, pests are a problem, there is someone out there wishing that someone would come knocking on their door offering to reduce the problem for them, the next door may be just the place.

And finally, if you do get some permission and manage to kill something eatable gut it offer the farmer your bag, not some of it, all of it, 10 to 1 he will say no thanks, but he will appreciate the thought and you will be welcome again.

Hope this helps. :(

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have to agree, i went and handed out about 25 letters by hand and i only got permision from the ones that i delivered face to face, i.e i knocked and the land owner answered the door, got a very nice piece of bunny bashing land from it. right next to another piece of land, and got a maybe the other side of the land.


land comes with time


give it time :(

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I have found the "smart but casua" dress the best approach.

Oh and don't forget the offer of a share of any rabbits that you get, (dressed ofcourse!) this can break the ice a bit.

After a couple of good sessions on my first shoot I gae the chap a bottle of wine. Nothing expensive but he appreciated the gesture and now we are on the best of terms!!! :(

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As a thought what other "land" have people applied for? ie schools golfclubs ect, or maybe industrial sites, has anyone got permission to shoot over these areas and how difficult was it? I live near a oil grain refinary and believe it or not a chocolate processing plant (stinks bloody awful!!) they are absolutely alive with Pigeons when I drive past. Any thoughts?

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Most of the land we have at the moment is privately owned and has been aquired by either knocking on doors or word of mouth and name dropping. I do have a golf course but as I supply the guy with various things through business, it doesnt really count.


I am however trying to get some land owned by SouthEast Water. I've posted on advice in the Land Required section. You might want to check it out. In the meantime if I get anywhere with it i'll let ya know.





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Don't go to schools, not really pc.


Try golf clubs, fishing syndicates and all the farms. Other places are stables and nobs with big houses.  Insurance is paramount and make sure they know you have it in the opening conversation, can sway it in your favour.

Pretty much spot on, it also helps if you can offer a complete service and ferret the rabbits in winter as well as shooting them. Smart casual is fine, I tend to take my shooting clobber with me and change when I get there if I get permission. If out pigeon shooting you often need to capitalise on the shooting straight away as the birds could be gone by the time you get back.


I went out with the new Daystate yesterday and on the way to one of my large garden patches went to look for the owner of some great bunny land that I regularly pass on the way. Had jeans and a tidy shirt on and found a nice lady feeding some horses nearby, asked who the land belonged to and surprise surprise it was hers. Asked if breeding wild rabbits was turning out to be profitable for them and got into a bit of the old banter (like you do), ended up with the shooting and ferreting and the names of neighbours to go and ask. Did a bit of door knocking and picked up the other shooting as well, all women !!. One bit of advice; if they start looking a bit twinkly and ask you in the house don't go, you'll get sod all shooting in that way !


Went back to the first bit and the lady went and fetched me a cold drink and opened the gates for me to drive in the field to shoot.


Gave out some of my cards with contact details and details of my insurance cover so may get some more from that.


Took one magazine (10 shots) to set up the Daystate and had a walk round checking the new ground out, shot 6 nice bunnies in the process so all in all a good afternoon out.


Think it helps when you are an old fat *** like wot I am because people are fooled into thinking you know what you are doing :rolleyes::oops:


Sorry, forgot to mention that I've NEVER got any shooting from writing to folks or leaving cards with notes if they've been out when I've called, you have to get off your **** and go looking IMHO, meet them face to face. I've actually had one farmer who was totally aggressive when I first approached him rolling about laughing after a bit of chatting and let me shoot his pigeons. I always check out the ones where my mate says "nobody gets to shoot there" as if you do get it you'll probably have it to yourself, all down to approach.


Go get 'em !!!!!!!!

Edited by old rooster
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Oh my God!!!! Just got a phone call from the stables my wife rides at and ........ they have a rat problem and want some one to sort them out!! Im going over in the morning to have a look, its not very big but its a start.

Well done mate!


Bait them out with chocolate spread. Not tried it myself but heard it is the best!

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Excuse me Snakebite I live in a big house but I am not what you refer to as a ***, please explain yourself?


Many apologies if I offended you BFC.

I used the term "***" as an affectionate reference to the more financially astute members of society who may wish to have the vermin cleared from their property.

(I am led to belive the term was a mutation of the word "snob" and not the crude insult "****")


I hope that you accept my apology and continue to join us in this forum.

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Get some buisness cards printed up!

I went to my local shopping arcade, popped a couple of nicker in the slot of a buisness card machine and designed my own card!


Went out and dropped a few off and got one definate and a couple of maybes. They seemed a good bet though.


Face to face and a positive professional attitude works wonders!!

Even the couple of no thanks I had asked for a card incase they needed me in the future. Now that was a surprise!


At one of the maybes there was about 50 rabbits within 35 yds of where I was standing. It would almost be to easy. Not really sporting but would be oh so tempting.

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Hi all I have just joined this forum after lurking for a while, I have recently come back to the airgunning world after 20 years! I would like some advice on gaining shooting permission on land, I have written to some 17 local Farmers enclosing a sample agreement, my BASC membership number and a brief C.V. and so far all have said sorry no, either they have people already or they dont allow shooting!! Anyway its changed alot in 20 years, most farmers jumped at the chance of someone wanting to shoot vermin! I have been practicing with a Air Arms S200 .22 and I'm very impressed with the leap forward from my old Gamo springy!



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