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:devil: I was very fortunte that a friend of mine gave me his old SBS 12 g Laurona (including manufactures certificate from 1972). Went to the gun shop and it would appear that it has hardly been fired as there is still no wear on the hinge bar (still blue) or marks around the pins. Can't wait to get out with it.


I told my wife last night and she just said " how nice, that sounds intersting" - it just isn't the same when you talk to a non-shooter although I have to look all "intersted" when she puts together a flower arrangement or suitable other "girlie" activities!!! (sorry all the women shooters on the forum if this appears sexists) The injustice. :blink:

Edited by unclestuffy
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It sounds as though you have a very useful gift there, well done. :devil:


I have never understood why blokes want their wives to be interested in what they do.

I shoot and fish a lot and have always counted it a major advantage that my wife has no interest in either.

I also have no interest in yoga, pilates, W.I, hand bells and all the other things my wife is interested in.

Fortunately, there are many things we are jointly interested in and enjoy each others company.

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Next time she asks you about something you don't find interesting don't big it up, just give the same dull reply!


My other half takes a vague interest in what I do. She says she has to because I go on about it that much she can't help it! She helped me anneal 100 .17 Ackley Hornet cases the other day which was very nice of her. She hasn't shot much. She hit the centre of a 20mm patch with her first shot with my 6.5x55, her first shot with any gun in fact. Since then I've left her at home! :good::yes:


I know what you mean. You don't expect them to be interested as such but it's nice when they appreciate how happy these things make us and answer with a little bit of feeling!

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I took my then girlfriend, now my wife, trout fishing once. I hooked a trout that ran past the boat twice, then leapt in the air and landed at her feet. She very nearly got out of the boat. She never wanted to go again.


Then she asked if she could come pigeon shooting, and of course i said yes. We set up the hide and sat down to wait quietly. I spotted a pigeon at good range that was coming towards our pattern, kept watching. It was nearly in range when she stood up and shouted, "There's one"! I explained, again, about keeping still and not waving our arms about in the hide etc. "Well", she said, "this is boring, can we go home yet"? This was 15mins after sitting down in the hide. Bless, she doesn't ask to come anymore. In fact she has been known to say, "didn't you ought to go shooting/fishing soon"?


I count my blessings every day :yes:



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