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Out on the rape


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I was unfortunately unable to go shooting in the morning and by the time I had got my work done, it had started to rain. So I decided to just go drive-abouts and see what might be about for Sunday. I had travelled to quite a few farms looking at stubbles and rape fields only to find a few here and there on the ground but in one spot there were hundreds whizzing around in the gale force winds.


I pulled over and sat watching for over an hour, and the pigeons were "banging" in continuously over a hedgerow and dropping onto the rape. I rang a couple of my shooting buddies to tell them where I was going to set up on Sunday if they wanted to join me. Whilst talking; I had counted well over 800+ had now dropped onto the rape.


Pigeons on Rape




I woke up to see an entirely different day weather-wise to yesterday. Hardly any wind and bright skies. I loaded up the van as best I could with my gear; as my Jeep had failed the m.o.t on a couple of things and was being repaired.


I arrived at the gateway to the field and sat looking at the ground which had some rather large puddles of water. Unsure whether to drive in or not with the van as it has a lot of weight in the back. I decided to ring the farmer and make sure he was about if I needed a tow out. He said "no problems, just give me a ring. I could do with a good laugh". :rolleyes:


Cheers mate.


I drove in and had to walk a long way with the gear. So I only carried the bare essentials as I have injured my cartilage in the left leg and it is very tender to walk on. I set up with the wind on my back and had to wait for half an hour before I got 2 birds for the magnet. I put it out and then the pigeons started to drop in every few minutes or so for an hour or two. But the lack of wind had obviously reduced the massive flock I had seen before.


I sat it out till about 2.00pm and then they just stopped coming in completely. The next hour I had only 1 pigeon. I shot 85 pigeons and picked up 78.


7 had dropped into a large pit behind me.


(Bad luck D & P . you missed a good day)


I had to do 2 trips with the gear back to the van and now sitting here with a very sore knee and an ice-pack on to try and bring down the swelling. :good:


Gotta be done.!!!!!



Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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