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i am pretty new to shooting pigeons and am doin so at the minute with just my air rifle but only maybe getting about 5-6 by sitting in roost trees so i was thining of getting some decoys ,if so how many decoys should i be looking to get and which ones as i will be wanting the pigeons to land



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If you are going to be shooting pigeons sitting in tree, then lofted decoys are the best idea.

Its my experience that pigeons will come into a tree where there are decoys and sit there for quite a while, whereas if they land among ground decoys they don't stay around so long.


If you don't want to go to the expense of lofting poles , etc., then get a few full bodied decoys (the ones with the raised lug with the hole in it, on their back).

Tie some strong nylon line through the hole, keep enough line to reach your average branch height and down again, tie something heavy to the other end (I use 4oz sea fishing weights), the throw the weight over the branch, then pull the decoy up to just below the branch level.

The decoy does not have to be sitting on a branch, it just has to show a pigeon silhouette to any incoming birds.


This is the decoy I mean.



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