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Another "Newbie"


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Hello one and all :good:


I am not from Notts but I am in the process of re-obtaining (made up word) my SGC. Like many I guess, I came to a point in my life a while ago when it was appropriate to sell my guns and take a break from shooting. Well that lasted about 7 years :yes:


I used to own a Beretta 687 30" M/C Sporter for the clays and a nice little side by side Zabala SLE (single trigger) for the pigeons. Like many of you no doubt, I built up a pile of kit which was all donated to good homes when I packed up before. So I'm in the market for a nice sporter to get me started.


I quite like the look of the Browning 525 and would welcome any views on this. Also (I live in Solihull) any suggestions for a good place to buy from, or perhaps (if rules permit) the places to avoid.


Oh yes............ I have my cabinet, but I live in a new property (plasterboard dabbed onto thermalite blocks) any advice ref fixings that work first time would be appreciated.





Edited by FinFerNan
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Hi there,

i was in the same boat with new property dot and dab walls,


i used chemi ancors you can get them from any good builder merchants, i think i got them from build base


8mm studs whith a 8mm nut you drill the hole through the board into the thermolite and then put the chemical in then the stud, leave for about 4 hours to set pop cab on the studs and doo up the nuts.


bobs your uncle, hope thats a help


raw bolts can crack the thermalite blocks as they are soft as sh--t


hope thats a help



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Just had the visit from the Firearms chap. Don't know if it's because I had a SGC before, but he reckons I'll get the new Certificate by next Friday!! And, get this .............he will deliver it by hand.


Tip top service so far and what a nice bloke to boot! 10/10 so far for West Mids police and Bob Faulkner :hmm:


I'm getting excited now :hmm:

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