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Heads Up - Gordon Ramsay shooting goose next week


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At the end of this weeks program there was a short clip of GR shooting geese.


I think it might have been in Canada, I'm not sure.


BTW, for those who think he's an a4se, he seems to have stopped swearing as much,

the wife will almost watch the F word now.




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He's actually a top man, in the begining he acted like the big man on TV being rude and abnoxious(it made great sensationalist watching but not that interesting) but it got the press he needed, these days you see he is just truly passionate about what he does. but is also willing to try everything.

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He's actually a top man, in the begining he acted like the big man on TV being rude and abnoxious(it made great sensationalist watching but not that interesting) but it got the press he needed, these days you see he is just truly passionate about what he does. but is also willing to try everything.



He's OK, but the format of the F word is getting a bit repetative though.



I prefer Hugh Fearnley Wittingstall on River Cottage, much more varied content.




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He's actually a top man, in the begining he acted like the big man on TV being rude and abnoxious(it made great sensationalist watching but not that interesting) but it got the press he needed, these days you see he is just truly passionate about what he does. but is also willing to try everything.


he makes things deliberatly complicated though, just to make himself look better. i agree with nial, hugh is much better

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I like Hugh as well. I liked the fishing series around the country.


In Ramsay's defence though he has come from nothing, from a really hard family background.


I like both shows and enjoy them for thier entertainment and thier cooking. both very different but still very good.


however Kitchen nightmares (USA) made me cringe.

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