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I went for a look this morning in the cold and drizzly rain. ;)


A few odd birds flying around, but not particularly interested in the rape.

I stood just inside a tree line for a while and watched, but there was nothing about.

Drove home at 12noon, the rain got heavier and we all turned our dipped headlights on, as it got darker.

By 3pm it was almost too dark to shoot, unless you were flighting ducks.

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nah nah nah nar nah.


i've had a better day than you :(  :crazy: !!!


Went out at 8:00 this morning walked round in the cold and wet for a good 3 1/2 hours then we noticed a big flock of pigeons that were sat on a telephone wire, and going down into a set a side field that had a few scratty bit of rape here and there. we rushed back to the truck for the decoys and a bit of camo netting. set out the decoys and waited.

Results for 1 hour were :-

Me 9 feral and 5 woodies for 18 shots, the best shot of the day was a 48 meter feral with 28" full choke

Me mate had 7 feral and 11 woodies ,dont know how many shots he fired but the semi auto is very unsporting. :crazy:  :crazy:  ;)  :)  :( .


all the best gents

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Went out with the rimfire this morning to zero it for a lamping trip to scotland next week.Tried shooting with two hazel sticks lashed together with an elastic band to act as a bipod and it certainly helped steady the rifle,i have always found it difficult to shoot in any position without wobbling slightly so i thought i would try the sticks until i have the dosh to buy a bipod.

                              Regards sean. ;)

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Why not try Bean poles as sticks.  I use sticks all the time when using the .22rf for bunnies or .243 for deer stalking.  I use Bean Poles bought from B&Q for a couple of quid.  They are light weight and strong. And oh, they are also green.


Good Luck for Scotland  ;)  :(  :)

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I use 3 bean poles and a vacume cleaner rubberband to make a tripod, works better than 2 as a bipod.

Went out on saturdat night setup at the edge of a very large waren, bunnies scatterd, 2hours later not one had come back!

walked 100 yards up the field, lodes of the chaps. shot one at 70 yards, whilst walking up to it saw another at 100 yards ish.

Fired 8 shots at it missed each time 9th... a very satisfying whack and his eyes went out. walked up recoverd it, the biggest rabbit I have ever seen. went back to find the first....

No rabbit just the big dog fox that always seems to know how to give me an unsafe shot. The thing seems to know when the red light comes on its tea time! ;)

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