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RSPCA releasing foxes


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I have trapped urban foxes from time to time but you will never catch an old fox in a trap. Well virtually never anyway. If they caught that many foxes in traps in that short a period of time the foxes must have been particularly stupid.


If they are that easy to trap there is your answer. Set a few traps around the farm buildings. Don't ever shoot a fox in the trap or you will never get another fox to go into the trap ever again. They can smell the blood. Drown them in a drinking trough.

Edited by Vince Green
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i have put this on in the past but here it is again .

a keeper mate of mine in northumberland shot a fox a while back that had a recently healed scar on its rear leg that you could see had either been operated on or possibly just a cut that had been stiched up .

clever things those charlies!!

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we've had some neutered and released on a pheasant shoot the people doing it must be particularly stupid to think they won't be shot. However rather than just blaming the RSPCA who do no doubt release some that have been injured they don't trap that many, to my mind more are released by urban pest controllers who are increasingly being asked to relocate foxes rather than kill them by their customers who don't want them killed just the problem moved into someone elses back yard. If you think about it pest controllers also have to get rid of them if they kill them and can't get away with just dumping them under a hedge so it makes financial sense for them to release them alive rather than bother with paying to dispose of them

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we've had some neutered and released on a pheasant shoot the people doing it must be particularly stupid to think they won't be shot. However rather than just blaming the RSPCA who do no doubt release some that have been injured they don't trap that many, to my mind more are released by urban pest controllers who are increasingly being asked to relocate foxes rather than kill them by their customers who don't want them killed just the problem moved into someone elses back yard. If you think about it pest controllers also have to get rid of them if they kill them and can't get away with just dumping them under a hedge so it makes financial sense for them to release them alive rather than bother with paying to dispose of them


i agree with you in part but who keeps paying for these expensive opperations that a lot of these foxes are appearing with ? i think that the people who relocate these annimals are in cuckoo land , paying vets fee's and then getting blown away . daft !

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Guest rimotu66

We havnt got to bad a problem on our shoot as we hit it hard regularly but if inyone knows of a release site in north east Lincs area that needs looking at I have a hungry .223 ready and waiting :yes:

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we've had some neutered and released on a pheasant shoot the people doing it must be particularly stupid to think they won't be shot. However rather than just blaming the RSPCA who do no doubt release some that have been injured they don't trap that many, to my mind more are released by urban pest controllers who are increasingly being asked to relocate foxes rather than kill them by their customers who don't want them killed just the problem moved into someone elses back yard. If you think about it pest controllers also have to get rid of them if they kill them and can't get away with just dumping them under a hedge so it makes financial sense for them to release them alive rather than bother with paying to dispose of them

I know you are right about the pest control people offering humaine fox control and re releasing the foxes elsewhere. I've seen the adverts.

You don't have to pay to dispose of a fox at our local council dump. You just have to double bag it in yellow bio waste bags and write "fox corpse" in indelible marker on the outside of the bag. Then when you go into the dump you tell one of the workers that you have a dead fox and they take it off you and put it in a lock up metal shed where they keep the road kill dogs and cats etc. until they are collected for disposal.

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on my uncles hen run we have a trap and have been trapping one a fortnight the shear volume is ridiclous some of them are spotless and look like they have just come out of your front room also they are far from starving having weighed a big dog at 26 pounds.i think a lot are urban and basically breeding and living very well by people feeding them etc .also the volume of food to be had. they are very common any way round here no matter how many we trap :blink:

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