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England's Football Team


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It's mad over here! You'd think we'd won the World Cup! :yp: :devil:

Fair play to the N-Iron boys Dazza


They deserved the victory against the useless tossers we call an England team


The atmosphere in Windosr Park looked electric, well was for the lads in the green


Memories of Spain 1982



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Could'nt give a toss about football ............i'm a Rugby man ...............Hey Scotland How's your NZ "D" team coming on :yp: :devil::devil:



According to some History books the Romans drove the ENGLISH into Wales and Scotland ,Built Offas dyke and Hadrians Wall to keep them there !



You never know the blood running through yer veins could be 100% ENGLISH :D:devil::devil::devil::devil::lol::lol::lol::D:lol::P:D



Cheers Ive


PS Well done Northen Ireland ,Them prima donnas could do with having a good kick up the ****........ :D

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According to some History books the Romans drove the ENGLISH into Wales and Scotland ,Built Offas dyke and Hadrians Wall to keep them there !

Think I remember something about the English being driven out of somewhere, let me check that for a nanno second, oh yes I remember now it was BANNOCKBURN.




:blink: :lol::lol::lol:








Anyway it's good to get a bit of a laugh with each other but we must stop this nonsense before some people accuse me of being a *** again :lol: :o

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Yeah lets and hopefully the Aussie's stick one up em' just like Northern Ireland  last night! Keep your fingers crossed everybody  :blink:

Why :lol:

I want England to win the Ashes, so why should I want the Aussies to stick one up them :lol:



He is from Scotalnd Graham, the people who support Germany and Argentina when they are playing against England. Something to do with not being very good at much themselves I beleive 'dog in a manger' syndrome :lol:

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