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the pelt man

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Hi Guys,


Well after yesterdays bag of 150 pigeon and Golf called of this morning i was looking forward to Taking Bruno my 3 month old GLP Pup Ferreting to see how he would react.

I had seen, while on the pigeon over Christmas a number of Rabbit tracks in and around a small warren down a track on one of the fields we shoot. The holes were easy to net and only 10-12 of them and that.

Well all was going as i expected, i laid the nets and Bruno being the keen learner that he is tripped up in them and messed them all up again :yes: .

after a number of resettings we finaly had them all set :lol: . I collared up three of my gills with Bruno watching with interst and the odd sniff to see if they were edable :lol: he knew best leave them alone.

On entering the Ferrets into the Warren i got Bruno to sit by my side and watch and wait, which he done with no problem :good:. Not long after a Rabbit bolted and got trapped in the net Bruno jumped up and dived on His first Rabbit holding it nice and gentley (oh what a great dog hes going to be) until i arrived and told him to leave and dispatching it. On throwing it to one side Bruno took a sniff untill told to leave which he did :yes:

We had 2 more bolt in the same way and both were delt with. When the next Rabbit bolted everything started to go down hill fast :/ . I pointed out to Bruno the Rabbit in the net but by the time he clocked it it was half out the net and bolting back down the hole with net in tow :hmm:, in my defence the ground was hard due to the heavy frost over night so the peg was not that far in but yep 1 net lost underground.


Now the fun starts:


A few moments later 1 of the gills pops out with no collar.


Lesson 1: Even though ya Ferrets have got fat on Christmas left overs do the blo'dy collar up till ya Ferret goes blue in the face :hmm:


I got my mark one finder out out found that unlike any other time you don't do the collar tight enough and it slips off when the Ferret passes through the net,

this had come off 4 foot under ground.


Now i hear you say: but the title of this post is 8FT DIG.


Lesson 2 :


on retrieving any lost item from under ground DO NOT place to the side of said hole only to find that once filled back in that said item is nowhere to be seen :good:


Now to say that Bruno had picked up the lost collar and dropped it back down the hole while i was not looking is a little unfair on the young lad, but i can tell you that in no way am i to blame when i found the collar missing by the side of the now filled manhole :good:, only to find on using the mark 1 that some how said coller be back underground :lol::hmm: and this is where the 8FT DIG came from, mind you it was a little easer the second time round.


Anyway Bruno had a great intro to Ferreting with 4 Bunnys and i learnt a couple of lessons.




PS: i know you guys will understand and NOT be hard on Bruno :P:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:



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To be fair to him, he does look a little embarassed.


I got ferrets back in the spring with the intention of working them, but the kids have completely adopted them and made them very "petified". If I took one out and lost it down a hole, I would be there until next Christmas digging it out and summarily despised and ignored!


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My deepest was pushing 9.5ft, it ended up being a sodding fox trench.


The minute I broke through the ground (to one chomped rabbit) the sodding ferret came out the hole to my direct left - on the surface!.

Edited by Bleeh
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