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A little help from the old and wise


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Right i will make this as quick and clear as possible :unsure: I am going for my FAC licence I dont actually want a firearms (eg BULLET gun) YET but i do want to get my Scorpion t-10 uprated to 36ft lbs ( limit for gun) of course due to the ft lb it needs to be on a firearms licence.


Got my 2 referees and the fee for the application :blush:




I have land and I have permission, the land has been cleared for shooting with .22 and .17 rifles :blush: .... when I fill in the form should i put ALL other guns i may need on there in the future or just explain it is only the air rifle going on it firstly once it is granted and then maybe more added later :lol: , bit confussed as they ask for all the details of the guns I have ( none as i dont have an FAC yet :lol: ) and what guns i want ( dont have a clue as of yet until i go shopping and seek some advice :lol: ).



Any advise offered about how to go around this will be fantastic.



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If you put down for .22lr and .17hmr plus fac air, then you will be able to get those guns with no extra charge on the cert. if in a year you decide you want them you will have to pay for a variation ( and beg the police a second time ).


They may not let you have them but that is down to them. Put them down and speak to them about it when they come visit.

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when filling out the section on which guns you wish to aquire you're best bet is 22lr[x2, 1 bolt action, 1 semi auto] 17hmr for small vermin, also if the feo will allow it try and get a centre fire on there aswell, something like a 223/243, for fox and small species of deer . don't forget to mention your fac air rifle in a specified calibre.

Don't worry about the section for guns that you already own as this is for renewals. you will need expanding ammunition if you are shooting vermin so put that on your list too.

you will also need to list ammo requirements, i suggest 1000 22lr kept, 500 purchased. 500 17hmr kept, 250 purchased. 200 centre fire kept, 100 purchased. you dont need to list air rifle ammunition.the FEO may not grant you all this in the first instance, but you will get the majority of it. Good luck.

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Thanks guys for your advise i will endevour to fill this out correctly I expect there will be alot of questions asked but if i am honest and straight up then that is the best i can do.


GRAM71 .... thanks for the avise on qty of ammo to be kept as this was puzzling me i have to be honest.


This place truely is a priceless place for information :unsure: cheers both



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to add to above.......don`t forget to put mods for each cal,if you don`t,they will cost you later.



put down guns to aquire.


fac air .22(or cal of your choice) with moderator.

22lr with moderator

.17hmr with moderator


costs you £50 for the above,so think about the below comment.


put these down,as you have 5 years to decide if you want them or not,better to get them now,or it will cost you a variation of £26 each gun added later or £26 for for asking for both guns at once and added later,if you want them..if you see what i mean.


put none,in the section guns owned..this is for renewal or a variation.




Edited by albob
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you might aswell pay the extra £10 and get your shotgun certificate as well.



Unless you are only ever likely to be interested in Rifle target shooting, then I'd say the co-terminus certificate is the way to go.


I've had co for years, and my my lad applied and got co last year!!

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As for a centrefire it may be worth waiting for a year or so this is my plan in the interview my feo asked what i had applied for i said the rimmies and he said and you'll be wanting a centrefire for fox (live on a farm) he seemed perfectly likely to give one so i thought i wish i did put in for one and i explained that i was going to leave it 6-12 months then put in for a .243 or 22 centre fire for fox and deer and he agreed it was a good idea as the farm is only cleared for 22lr/17hmr and i am new to riffles but put in for the rimmies and i think i will be going for a fac semi auto shotgun when i put in for a variation so something worth considering for you.


All the best with it all



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As for a centrefire it may be worth waiting for a year or so this is my plan in the interview my feo asked what i had applied for i said the rimmies and he said and you'll be wanting a centrefire for fox (live on a farm) he seemed perfectly likely to give one so i thought i wish i did put in for one and i explained that i was going to leave it 6-12 months then put in for a .243 or 22 centre fire for fox and deer and he agreed it was a good idea as the farm is only cleared for 22lr/17hmr and i am new to riffles but put in for the rimmies and i think i will be going for a fac semi auto shotgun when i put in for a variation so something worth considering for you.


All the best with it all





i did the same and learnt both my rimfires well before going centrefire way..


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