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Essex Mafia late christmas meal


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The dates for sundays in February are


7th - 3 Acres

14th - Copfurn (Best avoided for anyone who doesn't want their nuts stamped on)

21st - 3 Acres

28th - Copfurn


I cannot make the 28th but other than that I am free (Not in a John Inman way) and can make all the other dates.


Can I put a stake in the ground and suggest the 21st after 3 acres?

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I am eminently available!!


Had a quick google and the pubs coming up are:


Punch Bowl in High Easter - http://www.kelsey14.freeserve.co.uk/


The Fox Inn at Matching Tye - http://www.thefoxinn.com/menu.htm


Or one I've actually been to - The Cock Inn at Hatfield Broad Oak


Any of the other chaps got any local knowledge (Would it be worth giving Ollie a buzz for a recommendation)?

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It wasnt me this time, it was Mrs ME that came up with that one ???


She cant wait to see you tomorrow to talk diets and other "girls stuff".



Is she getting up early then? :good:


Can you ask her to trim the fat off my bacon? ??? ??? ???

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