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gun dog training


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hi all i wonder if anyone can help me?


i have a 7 month old springer spaniel who i have decided to train as a gundog. i am new to the whole gundog training. i was unable to start training him earlier than now as i had an op 3 months ago and have been unable to walk. with some help from a friend i have started the basic training (heal, sit,stay and recall) which all works great in the house. however.........as soon as he is in the outside world he does not want to know. he ******* off and doesnt listern to the whistle at all he will sit, stay and heal but am having trouble drilling the quarterning, stop at a distance and recall. he was let off the lead at a young age which doesnt help but for the past 3 weeks he has been constantly on a long lead. i am at my wits end and seem to be shouting at him constantly. i really want to get the best out of him. i know its in there but its just tryin to get it out. any help would be much appreciated



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If it was me i would take him off the long lead and keep him on the short lead......less distance for the dog to move away from you and easier for you to re-inforce your commands


Give them an inch and they will take a mile regardless how long you have been training them :hmm:


You can do all the commands on the short lead, Sit, Come Back, Heel and Quartering.

Walk side to side, get down low with him and get your hand into the ground so he knows he is looking for something not just running around, every now and then drop a tennis ball out of his sight and let him find it.......call him by name as you turn and then slowly introduce the whistle


Dont rush it you got plenty of years a head of you yet

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You really need to get a good book or video, Ask yourself why the dog won't come back and you may come up with several possibilities, it could be having a great time without you, it may work out that to come back the lead goes on and home, whatever the reason it seems that it gets more away from you than with you and that has to change. I recall my dogs many times even if just out for a walk, praise them and let them go again, they don't know when the lead is going on but they always return instantly. Shouting means nothing to a dog nor does constant whistle blowing, if it does'nt come at first recall why do you think that continual shouting or blowing will make it obey, it just becomes another noise, your attitude when it returns will say more to the dog.

My dogs stop on one toot and recall on two because that is what they are conditioned to do I rarely speak to them in the field or address them by name.

Many times I hear irate owners at the public parks shouting to their dogs to come back without success then the poor mutt returns to a telling off, I have often been asked where they could buy such a dog whistle as mine thinking that a dog will come back to a dog whistle. I have been asked when buyers came to view pups to chose them a pup that would'nt beg at the table. When training young dogs to bring to hand I did not allow the kids to play chase with them at any time, why try and train to return to hand and possibly have that undone by a game of chase me

I know I'm rambling on a bit but I am trying to sat that dogs not being human do not understand english, we may at times think they do but they do not, they respond to pleasure repetition and conditioning when training. Close relaxed control will get the job done and not moving on till the first bit is instilled with a little time spent on refresher training. several short periods per day, keep it interested and finish with the dog wanting more.

Hope I have helped some and good luck.


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what is the best way to impliment quartering.


thanks for ya help :good:


If your dog will not come back to you why are you trying to teach it to quarter? You're trying to run before you can walk. Buy a dvd, buy a book or even better go & have a few lessons from a Pro trainer. You could also read free information from the internet, there's loads of gundog info out there & it's simple enough to find. Don't take this the wrong way but the first one that needs training is you, not the dog.

Edited by PERCE
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thanks gerry and perce. you are right, this is my first attempt at training a gun dog and most of the problems are from me. i'm am very stubborn and would rather i train my dog instead of somebody doing this for me. the reason im quartering now is to try burn off the energy like he did when he was off the lead. its hard work i know but i am admant i will get the job done. the main reason he wont listen is that he had been let off the lead to roam and he could do what he wanted (bad idea i know) but its done know, i cant change it and have to move on. he's awsome on stay command(can get about 40/50 yards away from him however he wont stop on the whistle or recall as he enjoys the smells around him more than me at the minute lol. my next question would be.......how can i get his eyes to souly be on me and not tom, **** and harry around him?:good:? if i can get him looking at me im sure id find it a hell of a lot easier with recall.


thanks for all your input guys


Edited by mattc83
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To get him to look at you try(in the house at first) throw things for him, make him stay and leave it.If he tries to go call him back.Leave him sitting preferably infront of you.He will be looking at what you have thrown for him,call his name,if he goes for it call him back,after a while he will look at you when you call his name,then send him for it.Keep repeating this and eventually he will look at you before you call his name let him wait a bit looking at you then send him for it.This will instill steadyness and get him used to looking at you for commands.Dont send him for anything untill he makes eye contact with you.


Sounds a bit rambling,hope it makes sense.

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