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Vineyard & Rabbits


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I'm planting a few hundred vines. To protect them I've put up a deer fence, and am now considering the threat that rabbits might be. :good: I'm going to protect the vines to a to a height of 8".


Will rabbits eat the bark of the vine and therefore be a problem, or will the vines be okay (after the shoots reach above rabbit head height?)

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I'm planting a few hundred vines. To protect them I've put up a deer fence, and am now considering the threat that rabbits might be. :good: I'm going to protect the vines to a to a height of 8".


Will rabbits eat the bark of the vine and therefore be a problem, or will the vines be okay (after the shoots reach above rabbit head height?)


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Hope you've got the land cleared for your .270 cos even with the deer fence they'll get through somewhere... depending on where you are in wiltshire we seem to have a huge muntjac problem county wide and the roe this year seem to be everywhere... Rabbits could be a problem but I'm sure you will have no shortage of voulenteers to help out from this site!!

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Hope you've got the land cleared for your .270 cos even with the deer fence they'll get through somewhere... depending on where you are in wiltshire we seem to have a huge muntjac problem county wide and the roe this year seem to be everywhere... Rabbits could be a problem but I'm sure you will have no shortage of voulenteers to help out from this site!!


The site is a bit close to the main road for deer control with the .270, which is a shame! I've been reading about the peanut-butter-on-electric fence method for putting them off! :rolleyes:

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