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Anyone know about Sugar Beet


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Nice one guys, so to summarise, decent sport to be had on drill, as it comes through then harvest. So this along with winter wheat that was drilled back in late November should give us some decent shooting in the coming months. This farmer tends to leave stubble for a while as well, so not too terrible times ahead. Unfortunately no rape on this farm but hey ho, can't have it all.


Thanks again people :good:

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Cosed , its a bit early at the moment for drilling beet . But you need to keep your eye on it as it gets to about 4 inchs high . The pigeons like to have a go at it at this stage and good bags can be shot over it . In mid summer or during a hot spell it will attract the birds . I think they like the taste of it plus in the hot weather they are after the moisture content as well . My best day on young beet was in excess of a hundred birds . These were shot on a very hot day in june last year .

Good luck .

Harnser .

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Apart from the farmer saying he is waiting for a dry spell and you guys saying it doesn't get drilled till April, this is sounding better and better for the coming months!


Having shot this farm for almost 2 years, it mainly having wheat on it and surrounded by rape on adjoining farms, it has never yielded a big bag day. But by the sounds of what some are saying and with a bit of good fortune this could all change.

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