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lighting tigger perssure

dave dog

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It is possible to lighten the trigger on semi autos. I was told I'd never manage to lighten the trigger on my S/A .22LR, but I managed it.


Inside semi auto rifles, there are usually round discs, 5p sized (but as thick at 5 piled together) with little divots in them. When you pull the trigger, this disc revolves, but not a full circle. It'll swing back around and stop the action and ensure that you HAVE to pull the trigger again.


There's a bit of mucking about that you need to do with this part, but it is extremely dangerous, as it's the one bit that ensures that your rifle isn't a fully automatic rifle, as it makes sure you have to pull the trigger each time.


If there's one bit of info that I can give you before you take the gun to bits, it's this: Semi Autos are made up of hundreds of tiny bits. One wrong move or careless mistake will mean the tiniest piece will go missing or not fit back in and the gun will not work, or do you some serious damage!


I'll find you the link I used on my rifle and hopefully it'll give you some idea how to do this. I will re edit this message an include the link


Here you are: http://votefordavid.blogspot.com/2009/02/m...rigger-job.html

Edited by harfordwmj
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