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a few fac questions


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ok i`m just about to fill out my form for a fac.

everything is stright forward just need a couple of things clarified.


1.i know sound mods go on form so do i put rifle+sound mod or do i put something else.


2.on the amount of ammo to hold and buy do i need to put expanding or as i have quarry and vermin down will this be automatic.


thanks in advance



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ok i`m just about to fill out my form for a fac.

everything is stright forward just need a couple of things clarified.


1.i know sound mods go on form so do i put rifle+sound mod or do i put something else.


2.on the amount of ammo to hold and buy do i need to put expanding or as i have quarry and vermin down will this be automatic.


thanks in advance





Ian, you've answered both of your questions correctly.


Rifle + Mod


And expanding ammo will be as given if you have vermin/ground game etc.

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Hi mate. For the Rifle and moderator. Put the rifle in one column and then in the next put MODERATOR below it and the caliber the MODERATOR will be fitted to. Other wise when you go to buy and rifle the person selling the rifle can only sell you a rifle WITH a moderator not just the rifle matey :good:

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Hi mate. For the Rifle and moderator. Put the rifle in one column and then in the next put MODERATOR below it and the caliber the MODERATOR will be fitted to. Other wise when you go to buy and rifle the person selling the rifle can only sell you a rifle WITH a moderator not just the rifle matey :good:



Thats a new one to me, never heard of or had that problem...who knows, crazy things happen!!

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ok i`m just about to fill out my form for a fac.

everything is stright forward just need a couple of things clarified.


1.i know sound mods go on form so do i put rifle+sound mod or do i put something else.


2.on the amount of ammo to hold and buy do i need to put expanding or as i have quarry and vermin down will this be automatic.


thanks in advance





If you want expanding ASK for it, do not rely on any region to give you anything you don't ask for!


There is absolutely no legal requirement to use expanding ammo on vermin so take nothing for granted!! :good::good:

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You have to put the mod down as a separate authorisation as it is actually a firearm in its own right so is actually an additional firearm on your cert.

put it on its own slot mate, if you put down moderated rifle, and for example want to buy you rifle and mod from different shops, you cant, because your ticket states MODERATED RIFLE so thats what you have to buy, thats what my feo told me anyway.



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Moderator has to be applied for separately so fill in another line underneath the rifle for the moderator. Under reason you can put whatever you put for the rifle ie Vermin.


DONT rely on them granting HP ammo automatically, my FEO told me I'd need to wait for renewal for expanding ammo as I wouldn't get it on a first application! He is new and was quickly overruled by the FLO who told me they put it on automatically when you put vermin as your reason but don't rely on it.

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As above, don't rely on them working out that you need expanding ammo. They'll just process it and it'll be you who loses out of you don't put it down.


MY BIG TIP! Is to put down in the ammo max purchase box, numbers which are divisible by the number of rounds you get in a box.


So, for rimmy ammo, I would put down 500 buy or 1000 buy. (.22lr come in 'bricks' of 500, so you'll make a saving)


For centrefire ammo, anything divisible by 20. Ammo sometimes comes in 10's but they're few and far between. I'd say go for 100 to buy, but I doubt you'll ever have the money to buy that many in one go. However if you ever want to reload you own ammo, you'll be pretty stuck if you can only buy and hold 40 rounds...!


Good luck and don't be afraid to ask any other questions (As long as you've thought about the question first :good: ) :good:

Edited by harfordwmj
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