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CO2 Rifles


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Check out the Chinese airgun forum and you'll see that they get their QB guns up to 11 ft/lb with an hour's polishing of the valve and innards. Yanks get 30lb plus with a few modifications. If these aren't adequate hunting tools then please point me in the direction of something that is. :angry:

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Having hunted squirrels and pigeons with CO2 rifles all last winter (QB79 & QB78) I can confirm that the power does change slightly. However, before you start hunting, if you take time to put two rested shots in a target at a known distance you can adjust the scope a few clicks and the rifle will be as accurate as you need it to be.


Don't let it put you off. You can get one for less than £100 and it will serve you well.


also, if your budget permits, see if you can get a pcp. these are more expenisve but dont vary as much, if at all.

Edited by aaron airgunner
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