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My First 2 Foxes, with my .22


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These were the first two foxes that i ever shot, both shot at around 35 yards, using subsonic rounds. I was using a red lamp mounted on my scope, managed to squeal in both of them.

Picture quailty isnt great, taken on my phone camera, couldnt stop smilling all night!! :D


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One was a head shot, but one kept on running towards me so i shot it through the heart and lungs, i dunno what u guys think of that? weather or not it was the right thing to do, but it seamed to work as it droped dead stright away.


This was another fox i shot two nights after my first two, along with my rifle.


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To squeal them in, i just use my hand or just using my lips so i can still look through the scope.

The set up i have is a .22 CZ BASIC, which i brought a synthetic stock for, so now is pretty much a CZ Silhouette. The scope is a Tasco 3x9x50 with flip up covers, its got a light weight SAKO mod. i think it only weighs 21 grams, which makes a diffrence for standing up shots. I also brought a 10 shot magazine, which is very handy when lamping from the back of the land rover.

The lamp i use is a 2 million candle power cluson lamp with a red fliter, which can go on top of the scope, this however makes the set up relatively heavy.

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Yer the synthetic stock was easy to fit didnt have to do anything to it, cost me £80. walked into my local gun shop, they just took it of one of a CZ Silhouette's and put it on mine.

Compaired to original wooden stock its much better for all weather conditions. plus one of the main reasons i got it was because on the wooden stock i was having to raise my head abit to look down the scope, on the synthetic stock the comb is much higher making it easier to use the rifle.

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I have always used winchester subs, as thats wat a friend recommended when i first got my .22 and i have never had a reason to change. I find the high velocity ones just make a unnecessary loud crack, as long as u place a sub in the right spot at the right distance it will bring down most things.

Let me know how it goes with the stock, because one gunsmith i rang up said that he didnt think it could be done and if so it would cost me a coulpe of hundred, so u might want to ring around abit if u dont get the answer ur looking for.

Edited by lloydt87
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nice work mate, and also nice looking rifle any plans for any thing a bit bigger just for foxs, i used to use my rimmy for shooting them i found after the first few that you really do have to be on the mark with them to kill foxs out right, i just brought a remington 700 in 22-250 for foxs and i love it to bits gives you more range than i would ever need and also gives you the ability to have a margin of error that we all get form time to time which is not an excuse to be sloppy but if you do miss place a shot for any reason you can almost garentee it ain't goin far

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Yer looking to buy a .243 Sako Finnlight, as im just getting into deer stalking plus it will take a fox pretty much as far as the eye can see, making sure its safe of course.

However just started a 4 year Mechanical Engineering degree so havent really got the money nor the time at the moment. So for now my rimmy will have to do for bunny bashing and fox control in the hoilidays.

Altho my house mates dont seem to keen on rabbit stew at this present time nor pheasent, just no pleasing some people!!

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