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shooting golf courses.

chris o

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hi all i have just bought a brand new weihrauck hw 90 and i have a few golf courses near me and want to ask them if i can do some rabbiting but with it being a golf course who am i best asking? the course manager or the green keeper? and whats the best way to aproach them when i ask? thanks for any help.

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hi all i have just bought a brand new weihrauck hw 90 and i have a few golf courses near me and want to ask them if i can do some rabbiting but with it being a golf course who am i best asking? the course manager or the green keeper? and whats the best way to aproach them when i ask? thanks for any help.

me and my shooting mate have 2 golf courses we shoot my mate got them he asked the green keeper, if you play golf try going round the course then when you get back let them know that you noticed

a lot of rabbit scratching then ask them if they have anyone who deals with the problem and if they want it delt with, thats what we did

we told them that we would only go at night and that we use silenced air rifles they both jumped at the chance of having them got rid of



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my answer is similar to colin`s and i shoot 3 golf courses,2 when golfers have almost finished and lamping and one when they are playing(not when tournaments are on though),for squirrels and rabbits mainly and lamping.

always as the greenkeeper as he sees the damage and will know who shoots it or not.i look on google and try and see where the greenkeepers hut is,as most are seperate to the clubhouse.

take a card or something with your name and phone number on,as they sometiimes have to put it to the comittee for you to get permission.

just be polite and ask,they do not bite and sometimes are pleased to see someone,as some shoot them a couple of times and are never seen again but,good for us who ask.

good luck and hope it goes well. :good:


ps,just say hello and then ask if they are having any problems with rabbits and you can help if they need someone and have insurance(which is getting compulsory for safety reasons and they will ask for a copy off you,if you get permission.so make sure you have insurance.

Edited by albob
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Good luck with your golf courses mate ,they are brilliant places for bunnies .Me and my lad shoot one near us and its superb, the beauty of it is we dont need to bother with cammo gear and hiding under bushes .The bunnies have become so used to harmless people on the course they have no real fear of them ,so me and the boy go round about half and hour after the last golfers are off the course ,dressed in casual clothing ,carrying our air rifles like a golfing stick and, bingo the bunnies cant tell a golf stick from a Weihrauch 97k. :good:

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