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where are the Pigeons ?


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There are a distinct lack of Pigeons this year round my way.

I have several large rape fields that i pass by everyday and the birds have seldom been on them for more than a day,then they disapear for days at a time. Last year huge flocks came in like locusts and devoured acres of the rape on this farm ( farmer doesent allow shooting ) and he had a very poor crop at harvest. This year about 200 birds are the most i've seen at anyone time.

Another Farmer ,who calls me when in trouble with Pigeons ( he's about 10 miles away ) had several large flocks of Pigeons , in their thousands, last year and depite my and others attention plus gas guns and bangers he still suffered damage.... this year hardly a bird in site........

I have been driving around looking for them , and in my part of Kent they are hard to find. found some today ,200 ish, feeding on wheat fields... on chickweed i suppose. Two other flocks feeding on rape fields miles apart and assorted small bunches flying here and there, but really not much in the way of any pattern or direction.

The most i've seen is around the 200 mark... very odd....

Am i in the only area devoid of birds or is this more widespread ?

Some Pigeons are being shot and some good days are being had locally, just not as many as last year.... it could just be this area and further south or west of my location might have a different story.... we shall see.

Hows your area doing for Pigeon numbers ?


Dave :good:

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Dave I too am lacking pigeons in my area which is where the site sponser operates,


It would be good if will beasley would let us know if he and his clients are shooting any good bags.


I have had some goodish bags but I have not seen the vast numbers enjoyed by us in oxon wilts berks glouscester area.


I personnelly think we have lost birds over this colder than average winter and there will be some who claim what rubbish I am talking.


If you check back though some of the top shooters talk from the field posting over the last winter 2008/2009 you will seen a decline in bird numder being shot on average compared with the winter off 2009.2010.


The birds will be back thats for certain but when who know.


All the very best OTH

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i'm struggling here in norfolk as well, been out this week for a recky and my fave fieldls are dead no flighting birds what so ever, sping drilling soon so i hope that brings them in on a couple of my permissions.... :oops:


went out monday for three hours and shot 1 crow and missed 2 high pigeons and that was all i saw all day, and i then broke my magnet and found a crack on the stock of my gun what a poo day.. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::yes:

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Still very poor in my part of N Norfolk. Had my best bag of the winter this morning 70 , but it was hard work. I have not seen a flock over 200 all winter ( other years it was not unusual to see 5,000 in a morning). Average bags this winter have been 10-15 this year well below average.


I have 25 odd rape fields to shoot over , but only two have been hit hard ( both during the game season when I cant shoot on them ) by the pigeons. Most of the birds are on game strips at the moment.


I agree the cold winter may have reduced numbers. We had a lot less snow than other parts of the country so if anything we might have expected more than average numbers. Its not just pigeons , most farmland birds seem in low numbers and there seems very little game left after the end of the season on some of the farms I shoot.

Edited by anser2
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here in east lothian there has been a large influx of bird since december the fields i am shooting over just now have between 6 and 8 thousand on them and most folk round here have more birds on the rape than last year when it was realy poor .and we ve had alot of snow since december so dont think its all to do with that. :oops:

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Its not good here in Suffolk either Im just outside Ipswich very poor I have seen some big flocks but cant get them to come in, no real flightlines to pickthem off either.

I visited a friends business premises in Little Waldon yesterday evening (Essex) and he has a decent wood behind his workshop Fluck me what a flock going round and round into roost, so he contacted the farmer for me! and I now got permission to shoot the wood yehhaaaaaa


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So ,i'm not alone then.....

Before xmas i was being told that the pigeon were about in good numbers, but as i've been having treatment/ recovering from cancer for the last four months i've not been out and about much.

Last year i didn't matter where i went in the county , there seemed to be huge numbers around ..... but since the cold snap started they seem to have gone elsewhere..... i find it hard to believe they all died in the cold, though it may have re-distributed them to other parts of the UK.

I'd be interested in hearing how the rest of Kent and Sussex are fairing as well as the rest of the country.

All over the game season , any pigeons i recieved from friends seemed well fed and in good condition so i've been chomping at the bit to get amongst them.... but until they start doing some serious damage on one of my farms, i won't get he call to go ..... so no shooting !



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still loads of pigeon in france and channel islands and these birds are mainly english birds we usually get a big influx around november of migratory pigeon from the uk

they are still here at the moment and have not left this is very strange as usual there only here till january time

have you still got cold weather in the uk ??

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still loads of pigeon in france and channel islands and these birds are mainly english birds we usually get a big influx around november of migratory pigeon from the uk

they are still here at the moment and have not left this is very strange as usual there only here till january time

have you still got cold weather in the uk ??


Send the ******* back ! :oops:

Yes it's still cold here, though it has got abit warmer the last couple of days they say we've got more cold to come.

Maybe the southern flocks have gone on holiday for a while......



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So ,i'm not alone then.....

Before xmas i was being told that the pigeon were about in good numbers, but as i've been having treatment/ recovering from cancer for the last four months i've not been out and about much.

Last year i didn't matter where i went in the county , there seemed to be huge numbers around ..... but since the cold snap started they seem to have gone elsewhere..... i find it hard to believe they all died in the cold, though it may have re-distributed them to other parts of the UK.

I'd be interested in hearing how the rest of Kent and Sussex are fairing as well as the rest of the country.

All over the game season , any pigeons i recieved from friends seemed well fed and in good condition so i've been chomping at the bit to get amongst them.... but until they start doing some serious damage on one of my farms, i won't get he call to go ..... so no shooting !



Hope alls going well with the recovery mate :good:


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have a few on my patch at the moment i'm going to ask the farmer see if he will let me take a couple of people from here out will probably be tuesday so pm if you think you can do it will respond when he has either said yes or no but will be first come first served and i'm not gauranteeing they will still be there as they have wings and know how to use them


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Hope alls going well with the recovery mate :beer:



Cheers Alan, yes i'm getting stronger everyday..... still a bit to go yet though..... then the wait for the all clear :sly:




Nick, that's a great offer , i'm sure someone will be very gratefull for a day out.



Dave :rolleyes:

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