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ferret health issues


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hi guys

need some advice from the experienced ferreters among you, basically one of my jills escaped over the weekend and after a night out on the tiles returned home, safe and sound but i think she may have brought some unwelcome guests as both ferrets have developed small white lumps around there eyes and they seem to be scratching a lot, i suspect it may be fleas or lice but checking there coats there doesnt seem to be anything crawling about, has anyone experienced this and if so what action should i take, or should i just get them straight down the vets

any advice welcome

cheers joe

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Sounds like ticks they will get these alot from ferreting trips theres useally quite a few and need to be treated asap go and buy some frontline spray for dogs and cats howether obviously dont spray near the eyes-this also treats fleas.

:rolleyes: and is recomended to have some at all times after ferreting trips.

Hope this helps.

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My ferreting buddy had this happen and didnt catch it fast enough what happened was he put the front line on the ferret thought it would be ok so he was watching the ferret dayly but they just didnt go away after 5 days the poor thing started lossing hair untill he thought about it!, He hadnt changed the beding and the ferret was sleeping in beside the ticks so change the beding clean the hutch out with dettol and give her some frontline and she will be ok ,my mates ferret made a full recovery just as well he got it quick enough or else it might not be here today so to stop your ferret losing hair and sutch like get it done soon :rolleyes:

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Should point out that Frontline not licensed for ferrets.


Dettol doesn't kill ticks. The best thing to to is clean out the cage and flame it, especially the corners with a blowtorch (take care!).

agree with apache the heat kills mites ,lice and i usually use battles black disinfectant but dilute well.

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Should point out that Frontline not licensed for ferrets.


Dettol doesn't kill ticks. The best thing to to is clean out the cage and flame it, especially the corners with a blowtorch (take care!).

I didnt say dettol killed ticks i sayed the ticks were in the bedding and by taking the bedding out where they are breeding then you have got rid of the main problem and by cleaning the hutch with dettol will clear any other pests the frontline kills the ticks not the dettol if your saying frontline is not licensed i would rather have a living ferret than a dead one so if its the matter of life and death what would you do? :lol: ,Also the use of a blowtorch i wouldnt risk it on wood hmm i would use jeyes flude and let it dry :thumbs:any how im no vet so if the person who posted this is so worred just take it to the vet and he will know what to do.

Edited by hutchie the white hunter
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thanks guys

great info, just to be sure i did take the girls to the vets and it was ticks, they gave me the frontline spray saying i should use sparingly as its not for ferrets, but once clear ill get some louse powder to keep them at bay

cheers for all your help


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I got Frontline spray from the vets. I spray a cotton bud with it and rub it on the ticks. It kills them really quickly. I spray the underside of the ferrets at the same time the dogs are due, every 6 to 8 weeks, which seems to work well for us.

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