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my shorter barrel needs different ammo


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I've just had the barrel on my CZ 452 american 17hmr cut down from 22" to 16". When I originally got the gun I found that hornady vmax suited it best so thats what I've stuck too. I went to zero it in today first time after the barrel chop and I almost burst into tears, :lol: I thought it was knackered! I kept getting odd shots 2-3" off target even at 80 yards :good: I can normally get a group of 5 in 1" at 100yards (normally) I spoke to one of my mates who suggested trying different ammo so I shot a box of 50 remington through it and we couldn't believe the difference :hmm: it shoots better now than ever. I know everyone says to try different ammo and stick to the what suits the gun, but I didn't realize how much of a difference it could make, surely the ammo cant vary that much or does it?


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I don't know if there is very much difference between the Haornady and the Remington 17HMR Ammo but I prefer to use Remington in mine as I feel that I get a slightly better group with it. Mine had a 20 inch heavy barrel, I don't know if that makes any difference though!

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Don't understand that, interesting, mine still has the full length barrel and seems to prefer the Hornady, but it can actually deal with pretty much every ammo and weight that I have tried.


Not quite sure why it should like Remington with a shorter barrel :yes::hmm::sick:


I was thinking of getting mine chopped to about 19" but seeing as I am sitting on around 3000 Hornady Blue at the moment possibly best to wait until I have used them up!! :beer::)

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