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Newspaper or Snoozepaper


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This response to this thread if representative, shows that most people on this forum aren't qualified to give an opinion on anything.


Yet some of those who never read a paper are the most vociferous in giving opinions on current affairs.

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Reading a newspaper doesn't make you an expert on current affairs. Far from it.


If I want to know what's occurring, I look online.


That way I can avoid pages and pages of photographs of vacant ***** and celebrity drivel. :D


Reading papers doesn't make an expert, but does make you aware.


How do you souce online news?


My paper doesn't do celebrity stuff and there's no tots or funny

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Reading papers doesn't make an expert, but does make you aware.


How do you souce online news?


My paper doesn't do celebrity stuff and there's no tots or funny


Google, Yahoo, Sky for the headline basics.


If there's anything vaguely interesting that I want to know more about (rare) I look at one of the online newspaper websites, Times Online, etc. All the same stories are on them, without the tripe, or at least with the option of not clicking on the tripe. My definition of tripe extends way beyond celebrity swill actually. I'm not interested in why trolley dollies think they're worth silly money and all that sort of cock, or why we're turning into a nation of pill-pushers and all getting divorced by this time next week :D I've got an opinion of my own on all that stuff and it won't be changed by reading what some semi-literate journo hack has to say about it :hmm:

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This response to this thread if representative, shows that most people on this forum aren't qualified to give an opinion on anything.


Yet some of those who never read a paper are the most vociferous in giving opinions on current affairs.




In the modern electronic world we receive information in a variety of different ways and papers are just one method.


In an average day I get up and listen to the radio in the shower and hear the news, I've then got BBC Breakfast on in the back ground, I then either read the metro on the train as its free or I listen to a podcast, I then get into work and throughout the day look at BBC news or another news station.


I also look at PW and there's a good chance that they'll be a current affair topic with a link if I happen to miss anything.

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Chard & Doc W,


Reading Newspapers online counts as far as I'm concerned.


News and curent affairs on the radio or wireless as I knew it is probably les biased.


Headline in todays Independent. TALLY HO! Fox hunting Barbour Cavalry prepares to ride to the rescue of Tories in key marginal seats.

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