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When is a Deer not a Deer.......


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When it is a fox!


Got a call this morning from one of my landowners saying he has lost 60+ laying hens Tuesday night and could I come up ASAP to see if I can see anything.


So tonight about 10.15pm I headed up with the 243 to see what was around. Pulled into the yard and got kitted up ready to have a walk about for a couple of hours. Wind a good breeze from the SW but this means everything down wind of the yard is not a great option. Still I walk along track and lamp the first field down wind more to check the lamp than anything else. A couple of bunnies hopping around and then push the lamp down to the far hedge at about 120m and there is Charlie....bold as brass sat in a gateway below me and down wind.


As I set up the sticks he moves back through the gate into a maize stubble field and skirts to my right into he wind but quartering away from me. I move forward to crest the rise in the field and call with the Wam which stops him but he is now about 170m away across a stream and a hedge.


Shot is safe and I can get down on the bipod and send a 100gr powershok on it’s way and get a lovely satisfying thump and see it roll in the light beam.


I set my sticks up as a marker point and then walk the 200m down to the gate and cross the stream before heading back up the far side of the hedge to pick it up.....20 mins later I give up, cant find him in the stubble and tractor ruts so will have to go back tomorrow morning to find it.


Slightly hacked off I head off into the wind this time towards the top of the farm and the wood. First field is a huge one and I get a few rabbits bopping around but also a faint set of eyes way up on the top hedge about 500m away. No way for a positive ID so I start the slow walk up the hedge line to my left keeping the wind in my favour and hiding my silhouette against the hedge.


I periodically scan and the eyes are still there, static and not moving and I start to suspect it is a deer, often see a lot of roe in this field at night.


150m and I scan, eyes still there behind a bit if rush....is it a fox......I cant say for certain and begin to think it is a deer couched down chewing the cud. I give a little blow on the wam and no reaction.....


Must be a deer......but.....is it?


I lay the sticks down and start a slow walk in as now shooting of the bipod is possible......15m and another look.......deer......no fox.......cant be certain so I make a 15m move to my left to clear the rushes.


Another look....fox, laid down look to my right.


I settle to take the shot and send another 100gr powershok on it’s way and get a great sound of the hit and see the fox back flip.


This time I can see it in the scope laying dead. Shot went in between the eyes and exited low on the neck between the shoulder blades, DOA.


Sorry about the poor photo....





Just goes to show you have to put in a bit of work sometimes to make 110% of the ID of the target!

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Great write up mate to go with a good "stalk". Even though it wasn't a deer (As you might have hoped?) it goes to show just how difficult positive ID can be at times and how important it is for even the most experienced of shooters while "On the lamp".

Well done!!! :good::D:P

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Went back this morning and found him, second dog. He was further back and near the hedge line, shot was in the chest and it looks like he managed to run about 30m and then dropped. I saw him flip in the scope but adrenalin must have carried him on a bit.




So that is 2 dogs and 3 vixens taken on this farm this farm in 6 weeks. Hopefully that will make a dent in the local population.

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