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how many of you wash


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I can kinda understand the FT crowd doing it but for hunting? No way, I have better things to do with my life than sit about washing, drying, weighing and lubing air gun pellets.


Plus it's my belief that a bit of lead dust is vital to the barrel of your rifle, so why wash it off.


You can probably guess I don't clean the bore of my air gun either.

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I can kinda understand the FT crowd doing it but for hunting? No way, I have better things to do with my life than sit about washing, drying, weighing and lubing air gun pellets.


Plus it's my belief that a bit of lead dust is vital to the barrel of your rifle, so why wash it off.


You can probably guess I don't clean the bore of my air gun either.


Seconded,i dont really see the point especialy for hunting,i also never clean my barrels on my air rifles as a bit of lead down the spout does it good.


Try cleaning your barrel then go have a few shots,the accuracy will be well down and you will have to put a fair few pellets through it again to bed it back in.

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i do however fish out the ones with damaged skirts, which is pointless aparently.


In what way is that pointless. surely if the skirt is relied upon to form the seal with the barrel then not using the ones with the obviously damaged skirts makes a lot of :hmm:sense <_<

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In what way is that pointless. surely if the skirt is relied upon to form the seal with the barrel then not using the ones with the obviously damaged skirts makes a lot of :hmm:sense <_<



thats what i would have thought. if its flat its F##ked but slightly damaged ones are ok.


one of the guys on the airarms forum says that the lead skirt will re-expand when blasted down the barrel or something?


when i hunt i only use perfect ones though.

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sorry, i probably have O.C.D and am very fussy but i do wash and lube pellets and take out any defromed ones. i have tested it on a chrony and washed and lubed pellets are more consistent than straight out the tin ones. i know many top shooters you take shots out to 50yrds who wash and lube there pellets.

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Have we not done this or something similar recently, whatever....


I had cause to be at the BFTO at Bisley on Sunday, and this very topic was being discussed as I walked in, seems that most all the top people do, but then they also weight them too, check the pellet scrupulously, and clean and maintain the guns relentlessly.....so, there is probably an arguement that it does help, but a TINY fraction I suspect.


I have better things to do in life, but then again I'm not into BFTO!



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