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Fur Industry

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Does the UK have a governing body in the fur industry? I am interested as this is a world wide industry with buyers in most major countries.


Although prices are not as good as they once were, red fox is still averaging $21.40 with top dollar at $43.29, roughly 8.92 pounds and 18.04 pounds.


No results in for mink yet. The major buyers are China, Hong Kong and Italy. It would apper to me that this would make fox calling and snaring quite viable in the UK, with a good return for the effort.


Can someone in the know please enlighten me.

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From the begining of December, till the end of January, i get , if its a good fox, 10 to 20 euro, depending on condition.

This is for a whole fox, unskined. If i botherd to skin it and do a good job, i would get 40 euro each on good thick pelts.

It helps towards petrol and ammo ect, certainly dont make a living out of it. B) :lol:

At one time people made a killing over here, in the 70's and 80's.

Men left good jobs to take up fox shooting. Every tom **** and Harry were after them, the country was alive with fellas lamping everynight, the fox population fell sharply, as every method was used in their capture. :lol: :( B) :lol:

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If i get the time, i will put in some effort and skin the fox and then take it to the fox man as he is known in these parts.

I dont cure the skin, the fox man gathers all the skins and then packs them in salt and sends them off to London to be cured. They then go off to far away lands where they become coats ect.

Most of the time, i dont have time to skin them, so just give them in whole, as long as its within the first 24hrs, after that, forget it.

The fur trade seems to be on the up at the moment. Im not too big into it, its just another way for me, more than anything else, to use what i have shot and not waste it, if i can help it. B)

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If you were to learn how to flesh the hides and dry them on the stretcher you would get 4 x if not more as most fur buyers hate salt.


Let me know if you want some printed material. I am saying 4 x's but what is a euro worth?

NT its about 69 pence at the moment. There being a 100 pence in a pound you philistine B)







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