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shotgun cartridges


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Just read a article that says you do not need a shot gun certificate to buy cartridges,yet every time I have gone for some they always ask for your sgc,can any one shed any light on this,also it says you can buy a 2,4,8or 10bore without the need of a sgc as long as you dont have any cartridges,whats it all about.

Look forward to some replys from you guys and possibly gals

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I'm fairly sure that's rubbish buddy. I've always needed my ticket when buying shotgun and/or rifle ammo. Because the shop has to account for the drop in their stock, so they need to record what they sell you on your ticket and also in their big book.

I wouldn't bother trying to buy any ammo without having your ticket with you, I'm sure it would be illegal to sell it to you that way.

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You need a SGC to purchase cartridges but you don’t need one if you want to posses them.

Bloody stupid isn’t it. This means that anyone with a SGC can buy them and then give them to someone without a SGC, and no offence is committed. :D

I sometimes wonder who makes all this stuff up. :thumbs:


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if an registerd firearms dealer (rfd) sells a quantity of bullets (not cartridges) to a cert holder he has to write in his book how many, who to, date, etc and the cert holder has an amount he can buy and hold on his cert, if the rfd thinks hes buying to many i.e. cert holder can buy 500 store 750 and he buys 500 a day for a week its down to the rfd to inform the issuing police stn or county that he thinks the cert holder is storeing more than he is allowed then he will get a visit from his local bobby

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