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cocker or springer

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The Welsh springer spaniel is more gold and white http://wssc.org.uk/start.htm most are between a cocker and English springer in size, Technically they are "rich red" and white



From the welsh springer's I have seen both working and just out there just dont seem to have the go of an English Springer in them.

I think possibly because they are not as common really, Id say its easier to get a good English Springer :good:

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:good: I had a WSS for 17 years, lovely dog but useless.

Thats down to training, I want one thats calmer than a ESS at home. as WSS are one breed not distinct showing and working sub breeds you need to get a working pedigree dog to work.

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Thats down to training, I want one thats calmer than a ESS at home. as WSS are one breed not distinct showing and working sub breeds you need to get a working pedigree dog to work.


More breeding than training IMHO, but you're right - a dog from working lines will do the job, but a B&W ESS will be easier to locate than a good working bred WSS.

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