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First Rifle!


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Just recently been granted coterminous sgc/fac with slots for .22LR and .17HMR. So when I found a mint secondhand CZ silhouette .22LR in my local RFD, the wallet got bashed a bit! Deposit down, hopefully picking it up next week, can't wait to start learning, roped an ex gamekeeper mate in to watch over my shoulder and keep an eye on me. Hopefully the bunny population will be a bit lower round here in the weeks to come. <_<

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How are you getting on with your CZ? I bought mine a few months ago and love it. The only thing i did find was that the trigger was quite heavy. This is easily sorted with a trigger kit from Rimfire Magic (only cost £10 and another £5 to fit). Let us know how you are getting on.

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Oh guys, you've opened a can of worms here! For those of you that have seen my post in general shooting entitled 'slightly exasperated' I needn't explain, but for those who haven't, the rifle is still at the RFD and I'm STILL waiting for my FAC nearly 2 weeks after the FEO said it would be here. Oh and yes, I have phoned to find out what is going on. All this would be almost bearable if I hadn't sowed 2 acres of grazing on the strength of this, when now all I have is fat pigeons. To say I'm a bit ****** off is an understatement. Really makes applying for an FAC, buying a rifle, installing a cabinet etc etc worthwile when all you can do is invite other people to shoot your land which you have apparently got cleared, and then you get asked if you really need a firearm!! Look at my field, it has no grass after 120 quids worth of seed and about 60 pigeons sitting on it! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO, **** AT THEM!!! AAAAARRRRGHHH!!

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Just to let you know my SGC turned up this morning after applying at the start of March, Certificate is dated from the 8th, So I suspect yours will be dropping through the letterbox anytime now. Perhaps catch up soon for a bit of beginner shooting?





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Cheers Rich, I know pretty soon I'll be wondering what all the fuss was about, I just really couldn't afford to lose that seed money, but hey, nowt I can do about it now! Those pigeons are in for a hammering though! :good:

Mick, yes mate definately, have you been shopping yet?

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Not as I would have liked, my dear beloved thinks it will be a passing fad. So I promised to start cheap (Hate doing it but needs must) however I'm getting a Semi Auto off a friend at mate rate and a O/U from another friend at mate rate.




Cheap is not necessarily bad. I have an old Baikal 12g O/U that i paid £50 14 years ago and i love it. In fact i prefer it to a friends 686 silver. Sometimes you just gel with the gun and it works for you.


Similarly, look how many people rave about CZ452s. One of the cheapest rimfires and yet everyone (including me) love them. you never know, your missus may have done you a favour :hmm:



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I hope she has, to be honest I would be glad of anything to get out and do some shooting.

At the minute I've only got farmland that I can goto with a friend (His permission), however it is quite rural where I live so hopfully it won't be to long before I've got somewhere I can go on my own aswell.

I work shifts so have week days off aswell, so a bit of me time = a bit of shooting time (Hopefully). :good:

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