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Roe buck on film


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I started filming about 2 hours before dark, when the the buck was filmed it was starting to get red sky which is showing in the pic, I am needing a picture editing thingy for my puter the pics have cam out a lot darker than they actualy are on the digital camera, which was disapointing.


The buck was such a buzz, I was wearing no cammo whats so ever, a dark Musto pull over fleece type thing and a pair of tan cords, that was my cammo outfit.


It was a friend that invited me to where he has the shooting rights, I actualy seen 14 deer in the 1 field at difrent corners

was awsome, as deer are my first quarry I totaly milked the experience for all I could get.

Maybe getting older changes the killer bit in us all, since completing my level 1 course almost 2 years ago I have never lifted my rifle to a deer, I prefer to sit and video them when I get the opertunity, I have footage of a sika pricket that I got to within 40yards of.


It gives me as pleasure knowing that the pics are giving you guys something good to look at that isnt dead.




I will post another couple of the doe, the moderator has my permision to remove them if he fells they are too much.

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It is hard to say with any degree of accuracy, the best way to age a deer is through their teeth. Different areas may have more or less of an affect on their dentistry than others due minerals in that area. Therefore local experience plays a part in the ageing process.



Young:  have sharp features, i.e. rump, flat stomach and a very thin neck. The young are very alert, heads up watching. If the buck has antlers they will be thin, have a back point, cornets (base of antler) will be upturned


Middle - aged:  Larger in appearance. More rounded rump, stomach starting to sag.(It happens to animals as well :love: )

Thicker neck. Possible 6 points to the antler,


Old age: deer’s body is more robust, heavy neck, antlers (Going Back) passed his prime, antlers although heavy will the points will be reduced, and have blunt ends, cornets will be pointing downward.


The picture of the buck:  looks as if he is a 2 to 3 years old.


The picture of the doe: Looks like she is a yearling doe.

The white patch on the deer’s throat is called a gorget patch


Hope this helps

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Elma fudd

Great reply, couldnt of said it better my self.

When this pic was taken, there were yearlings that were almost fully grown but as you described noticeable from older deer, so as this doe was taken at the same time I would expect this doe as being a 2yr old, the buck I would agree with you on its age.


I wont say where I sat my level 1, the teacher called the young roe deer, fawns, I put my neck on the line and asked him if they were not infact called kids, he said I was wrong, youl know next day I was given an apolagy infront of the class saying that I was infact right.


moral of the story is, we are never to good or old to learn from others.



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The DSC level 1 & 2 in most stalkers eyes, is a farse its another hurdle that has been put in front of the stalker.

there was a rush of people signing up for to take part in it as they had been led to believe that if you put deer stalking on your cert for a certain calibre you will have to prove your a knowledgable worthy canditate to posses such a calibre.

It is something you dont have to do, less you are going to be leasing land from forrest enterprise and the like, they stipulate minimum of level 1 to lease their land, each other rifle in the syndicate needs to have level 1 as well.

So where will it stop, will we have to be members of a shotgun club and have to sit more tests to show we are worthy of having a shotgun.


I dread to think what it is going to be like when you young fellows get to my age, will there still be a sport for joe public to participate in, will it be a sport for the selected few, who knows.


The future looks cloudy.


This post is my opinion only ( which means beu diddley )



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I couldn't agree more.  When I was on my level 1 course. A gamekeeper informed the class that he would not get his firearm certificate certified to cull deer until he had booked and passed his level 1 course. Outrageous :(  :D


I believe that if you can provide the police with a good reason for obtaining a rifle then they should not place restrictions upon the individual. i.e. level 1 once again the police getting above there station.


Like you, I fear for the future. more hurdles to jump :D

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