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DD's tip is no doubt a good one if it works for him and you don't mind the odd Pigeon or Clay being missed now and again, however it's not a technique that will guarantee consistent results, and that is likely to be taught by any good shooting school, as at the critical moment of firing, you have lost the ability to ACCURATELY determine distance, due to one eye being shut.


I know a lot of good Clay Shooters, but every single one of them keeps both eyes wide open.


Why are you against having a crossover stock fitted - if it means your shooting will improve, surely it's worth parting with the dosh?



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I'm Left eye and right handed and I've tried everything.......



Eye Patch

Spot painted on Left lens of Shooting Glasses

Etc ! etc!


Two things I do now ...........If it's a crosser I keep both eyes open by looking at the Clay and not the bead and another way already mentioned is tracking the Clay and shuting the left eye prior to pulling the trigger.


Basically just look ahead of the target ,keep both eyes open and pull the trigger.......IT DOES WORK :thumbs:


Practice Dry mounting your gun to give you confidence that the barrels are pointing at where your looking as the one thing to get away from is focusing on the bead.


Just my thoughts



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I have been taught by a clay school coach to close my left eye. This is because my eyes are co dominant so closing my left eye is the only way to get my right eye to sight correctly along the barrels. :thumbs:


Surely it doen't matter what distance the clay is away from you if you gun is pointing in the wrong direction?

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You've missed my point - I maintain that you will never be a VERY GOOD shot if you have to shoot with one eye shut.


Of course we can all hit birds with one eye closed, in fact i've seen people hit birds with both eyes closed..!!


But, if you shoot this way, you'll not reach your full potential in the sport, which most people would consider a pity, and it's also tough on the Pigeons that get winged by the edge of the pattern.



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I have known two right hookers each with a left dominant eye, they were shooting on right shoulder and shot absolute rubbish, after advice they both learned from scratch to shoot from the left shoulder, they now both shoot as well as anyone else.


I know you are the 'other way round' (sorry didn't mean that) but I suggest you give up completely with the left shoulder and learn to shoot from the right, and keep both eyes open.


Thats my bit.



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Check BASC Shooting and Conservation magazine. Page 33, for Sam Grice`s opinion on closing one eye!! I`ve always kept both eyes open while acquiring the target, then dimming my left eye just as I take the shot. Most of the work is done while getting on to the target, with binocular vision, and only a very short time in monocular, and it works for me. I`m talking about live bird shooting as I don`t shoot clays.

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Pavman - the Easy Hit web site looks really interesting. I am tempted. How easy is it to fit? Is it permanent?


I have a Browning with that silly second bead in the middle of the rib. Would both Browning beads have to come off if I fit an Easy Hit?



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I am a right handed shooter and am left eye dominant. Wish I was right eye dominant. Would have been a better shooter. But highlighting the sight bead really helps to shoot instinctively. A cheap way to do it is to fit a small bit of electrical wire insulation over the bead, white or red, and colour the other half for different shooting conditions. So I use the white half for dawn and dusk shooting, and the red half for normal day shooting. No harm in trying.

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i'v only just started with the SG this year but i do find it hard also being right hooker but left eye dominant. i just stick at it with the right eye :lol: i'v shot air rifles for years an i'v been told it shows wen i'm shooting clays( i concentrate too much :thumbs: ). but no body told me to keep both eyes open! i'll give it a try next shoot.



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I was only talking from my experiance and what works for me after a year I am a reasonable club clay shot and hit more than my fair share when on driven shoots so I am happy enough. The top coaches will tell you to shoot from the shoulder of the dominant eye like WF stated. I found this so alian partly due to the fact I have been shooting for 20 odd years with rifles from the right shoulder. Again with rifles if you want to be the best of the best you should shoot from the dominant eye not from the side of your master hand. With rifles I tend to be better than most on the range and in the field but not the best so percevearance with the right shoulder would be the way to go if you want to become the next olympic hope but if you are happy being better than most then shutting the eye at the last moment works.


would be intrested to hear more testimonials for or against the specialised bead?


It takes a bit of change from rifle shooting to shot gun shooting. A good friend of mine who is good at both maintains that you can be a great rifle shot or a great shotgun shot bet seldom is any one great at both as you will always bring a little of one in to the other depending on which you are concentrating on most at the time. But the basic principals are the same such as following threw the shot correctly staying relaxed not holding the weapon to tight or loose or with undue physical effort the sight alignment must be correct building up you position best you can before the shot etc.



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