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Which full bore calibre?


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I'm thinking of applying for a variation and going for a larger calibre to allow both deer/foxes and target shooting at further than 100m.


Now, I know the .223 is not legal for really anything but foxes (but is a handy calibre for target shooting), so it would really have to be something bigger, with .243 being the obvious choice. Are there any other good calibres I am discounting out of hand? .308 immediately springs to mind, but this seems a little overkill for deer and the target rifles I have held in .308 would be far too heavy to take stalking.



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Any of the 6-6.5mm Centrefires would fit your needs.. Will you reload? that will have quite a factor on choice IMO.







There's also the ASBO's like 25-06, 270 etc to consider :good:


Although, you are right when you say 243 - I'm just about to swap my 223 for one, most of my shooting is Fox control with the odd Muntjac, I like the idea of being able to shoot fast flat varmint bullets at foxes, and still being able to take bigger deer should the need arise.

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The deer round here are a mix of CWD, Muntjac and Roe (with a larger stag of some sort that hangs around with the sheep on Portholme meadow), but I don't have any land to stalk on here. This alone will probably get me asked some questions at the interview.


I live in hope that some of the people I know will let me go out on their land, but I cannot bank on that and, to be perfectly honest, the rifle will mainly be used for targets.

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In your situation Wookie I would go for a .223. Unless you are really serious about the target shooting and then it would have to be a 7.62/.308 If you are a member of a HO approved club then it would depend on the type of shooting they do.


If I was to go for an all round caliber it would be a 6.5 x 55, as I like them.

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