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Explanation wanted


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Strange thing happened yesterday whilst claying - put 2 cartridges into the gun, fired at the first clay then tried to fire at the second but the trigger wouldn't pull!! this happened a couple of times.


Went onto the next stand gun worked fine. Has this happened to any one else or is able to give an explanation?

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Strange thing happened yesterday whilst claying - put 2 cartridges into the gun, fired at the first clay then tried to fire at the second but the trigger wouldn't pull!! this happened a couple of times.


Went onto the next stand gun worked fine. Has this happened to any one else or is able to give an explanation?


The trigger was jammed with no movement at all?

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if you're not releasing the trigger enough as MC says it will only happen again if ........ you don't release the trigger etc ... might also be worth a clean of the trigger mechanism - avoid heavy oiling, try something like Legia Spray or one of the synthetic non greasy lubes ...

I get that when I use a browning after my usual beretta .. I just remember to take my finger off the trigger between shots.

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