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Breeding my dog


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Find somebody with a bitch who wants to use him at stud, or justify to the general public why your dog should be used at stud.


Why are you removing his plums anyway?



The plums must go as the dog is always seeping liquid from the big chap.

The vet says that it's completely natural but the wife says it's disgusting! Vet reckons that if his Davinas are removed, all will be fine but I want to give the dog a chance to breed before I do it.


Personally, I say long live the plums but then I don't do the clearing up!

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The secretions are probably just a phase.


The repugnance of the wife is not a valid reason in my book. Love me love my dog and all that.


What next? Feet amputation because of muddy paws, snout excision due to snot on the patio windows, laser treatment to remove fur due to dog hairs on the carpet?


What conditions has the dog stipulated ocer the missus? Vocal chord removal?


My sister banned me from her house when I got my dog for many of the above reasons. I used to have a sister!


Clean up after your dog and the "problem" is sorted.

Edited by Greymaster
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