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laser practice shooting


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Has anyone tried the laser simulators for clay pigeon shooting that I have seen advertised in sporting gun mag?

I know that the best practice is to get out there and shoot some clays,but just wondered if anyone had tried this at home ( my wife complains of the noise and holes in walls when i use real shells :):) :( )



Edited by mcooke
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"try before you buy".


just what i was thinking.


i was reading through it....


and the laser dosent change size, so you have to look at the screen to find out the distance, i personally would think this would completely mess me up (i pressume, i would love to try it) there is also a noise to indicate if the bird is coming towards you or going away.


but on the upside its would be very intructive as to where you were missing

Edited by dunganick
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I've tried the Arrow laser thingy.


Its got a rotating mirror inside and projects two laser dots up unto the wall, one to represent the bird and one the amount of lead.


You're supposed to track the second, swing through to the first and fire.

The track line doesn't vary like a bird or a clay.


Its good in a limited way.

You can only do left to right or right to left. I don't think you can set it up for overhead.


There is no attachment to the gun so you can't tell if your mount or anything else is wrong or if you scored a hit.


There's no feedback from the machine at all.


You can tilt the machine on its tripod to give you rising shots.


You can vary the speed and the window and its got a mike so you can shout pull and it'll perform.

It comes with very brief instructions.

It doesn't say what distance the lead it gives you represents.


I think you need quite a big room to practice in.


Its the best part of £300 including VAT and delivery.


Is that any help?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Has anyone tried the laser simulators for clay pigeon shooting that I have seen advertised in sporting gun mag?

I know that the best practice is to get out there and shoot some clays,but just wondered if anyone had tried this at home ( my wife complains of the noise and holes in walls when i use real shells :thumbs: :wacko: :wacko: )



put up with the complaints from er indoors using real shells, or go outside.

i dont like it personaly, the one used by an associate caused him loss of focus when shooting back in the field, we worked it back to shooting in close proximity to a wall , distance remaining constant irrelavent of target movement, he started to perceive targets lead as constants regardless of range, maybe it was him ,but i have heard similar woes.


in short its a game, have fun dont let yourself develope bad habits .



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It doesn't come with any attachment for the gun. Its entirely mechanical, there's no feedback system.

You could possibly do that although it might be a challenge trying to figure out which dot was the shot.

The laserfire instructions are very sparse though.

I spent an afternoon playing with one but, to be honest, you've covered all the possibilities in five minutes. :thumbs:

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I have used the Dryfire and it was second only to being in a real shooting ground. You can dial in the following, gun bore, cartridge, wind and weather conditions.


Expensive, yes, but olympic teams have been using it to train on.


If I can only get the rottie to see reason I will be the best shot in Kent :thumbs: :wacko: :wacko: :lol:






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