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My Shetland shoot


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Hi All,


Bloomin typical - beautiful day, flat calm, a mild frost - perfect day for taking out the .17HMR. But I have to go for Xmas lunch :)


Anyway, here's a few photos of my shoot a few weeks ago. Try counting the bunnies in the 2nd pic..










Happy Xmas,



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Yup, it's a great place for ducks and geese. There's good cover behind the dyke as well, so you can get reasonably close. Dad got 9 greylags with 2 shots a couple of weeks ago. Long walk home with them though! Had to lay some up and come back.


Those bunnies were shot at 130ish yards, got 3 out of 4 all sitting next to each other. Would have got the fourth but he was getting suspicious of his mates falling over. 240 yards is probably the furthest I've shot so far with the .17. Only had it a few months so still getting aquainted.


Poor old 10/22 hardly gets out nowadays!

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Guest Mr Pieman



do you object to shooting into a skein of geese? I appreciate it isn't 'best practice' but it isn't a major crime either. On busy pigeon fields I often 'blanket shoot' first thing in the morning. Sneak up on them and fire at them on the ground then, with the second barrel, shoot into the rising cloud. Very few aren't killed outright - probably fewer that most people wound during an average day's pigeon shooting.


Does that mean you also object to punt-gunning - when a large charge is fired into a raft of ducks/geese, again with a high(er) risk of wounding some?


It's Christmas, don't look for confrontation where there isn't any :)


Crieffy, lovely looking place and good luck to your dad - hope the Greys taste good :)


Best Christmassy wishes



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If your Dad got 9 Geese with 2 shots does that mean he was firing into the skein and risking winging quite a few? :)


FM :(


I wasn't there so can't say where he was aiming - but he's too tight to chance wasting ammo :) by missing a bird, so I'm sure he aimed pretty good.


It's years since I shot ducks or geese, but with a tightly packed flock of birds it's hard to pick an individual target. Several times in the past I've had to chase a winged bird and finish it off.


Cheers, Mr Pieman - they were very tasty. I think there's still a couple in the freezer (for when the left-over turkey runs out)


All the best,



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mr p !!!

u must be mad walk onto a field covered in pigeons shoot in the middle of them kill 6 or so and the rest know whats on not the way i would dothingsdifferently u should walk them of quietly and decoy them back in. not in balls deep ??

Edited by kirky640
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