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asking permission via a letter?

Mr Majyk

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would you lot think its a good idea to send out well worded polite letters to my local farmers asking for shooting rights rather than just turning up at there door or calling them out of the blue? :good: if a letter would be a good way what should i include in it? :D



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Would you give shooting to someone you have never met :stupid: :stupid:


best way forward is to go and introduce yourself, have your FAC, insurance, and any signed shooting permission from other Landowners/farmers etc.




Well ive had one permission previously but its useless and i can hardly ever get the time to shoot it as its a camp ground. so time to go looking for new permissions! i was intending to get my insurance before looking for new permissions etc. the general idea behind a nice letter was to "get my foot in the door" I.E. ask for the chance to meet them so they can judge my character etc and decide wether or not theyre comfortable with me shooting on theyre land? :stupid:

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im sending out letters at the moment with all my details on the letter and a smart business card in the that way it does indicate that i take my shooting seriously (i hope) but in the letter i state a little about me how long ive been shooting for the type of shooitng and that i enjoy it very much as a hobby,my age where a live and that i am a responsible person as that i would keep all gates closed after my self report any strange going ons ect just basically letting him know u are a trust worthy guy and aslo state my insurance on it

then i leave it a week a follow up by seeing the owner in person that way if they can not be bovered or are too busy to contact you back you know were you stand and can cross it off the list but as always stay polite even if they tell u 2 f off

Edited by kamikazepigeon
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i am constantly working and talking to the old farmer types and nothing comes close to a good old chat so that they know who they are dealing with, letters are a waste of time imho :good:

Very true waste of good paper save your time stick 20 quid in car and drive about get out when u see a tractor and BEG LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER BEGED BEFORE LOL

OR JUST CHAT TO THEM simples ........................ swiss

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I got one of my farms by talking to the owner while I was actually in my hide he'd ben watchig the pigeons fall while ploughing and me collect them, I came out to thank him as I had had a few trailer loads of cow dung off him for the allotment, we had a good old chat and bingo, I cant shoot all the farm as he already has a long time shooter but all the ajacent land plus another couple of field a few miles away. I bought him and his wife some christmas gifts, wine, biscuits, chocolates etc, he now rings me if he see flocks anywhere inviting me to shoot, he and his wife though are seriously lovely people.

In person is better :lol: imagine some writing to you asking if they can shoot in your back garden and you dont know them and never seen them.


Edited by Alanl50
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ok, theres obviously two schools of thought to this, letter or talking, think ive got a nice compromise between the two. write a letter but deliver it by hand so maybe i get the chance (if i see them) for a quick chat in person? seems like a good idea? :lol:

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I target an area, send out letters introducing myself and my shooting partner and then 1-2 weeks later we follow up each letter with a visit to the farmers, farms in the same area that i cannot find addresses for we cold call with a letter in hand just in case there is now one about.



Edited by Vermincinerator
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  • 4 weeks later...

I drove around my local area about 7 years ago with a letter .knocked on doors handed over the letter had a quick chat from that day out think it was a mid week day i think that helps .i now have 5 large farms to shoot over .0ne i shoot the geese on and one i shoot deer on as from last season . i had more but had to give up two as i could never got round them all . never give up find a crop covered in crows and knock on the farmer door the rest will come

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When I first joined this site I rattled on about sending out cards/letters etc,- it was like a military operation!! but to very little end. i was told over and over by the more experienced guys on here to get off my butt and go a' call'in, and...as scary as it is, and we all hate being to to **** off, sloping off down the farm track feeling like we've just asked permission to take the farmers daughters virginity , it has to be done. almost everyone who has permission, with the exeption of a lucky few, have had to go and ask for it. your not the first and wont be the last. set yourself a target, say 4-5 farms/estates evrey week, and go for it! you will strike lucky. dress smart, have your insurance with you and shake his hand, tell him you are seeking permission to shoot vermin and be yourself. what's the worst that could happen no? so what?? good luck matey


BB. :hmm:

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with all that its worth going around and talking to Farmers in person, rather than writing, however, it is worth getting some business cards done up. If you get a 'no', especially a 'no, someone else is shooting' then I used to hand one over saying "well thanks for your time, can we leave our contact details with you in case?". Four or five "no's" later became a "yes" when they developed a fox or pigeon problem, or their regular shooter stopped or moved away.


The business cards themselves were just plain with my contact details on, rather than being chad 'pest controller' type affairs.

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  • 1 month later...

well i say do both i sent out 25 letters got 3 new permissions and 4 said no 1 farmer actully rang me to say no and had a good old chit chat but still he did say if the bloke he has lets he down he would ring me still bet a few of us have heard that before but hey ho gd turn out n cost me a few quid but worth it

i have a stamped envolope with my address wriiten on it so it easier for farmers so right a note but hey it worked for me might work for you :good:

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While you are sending all the farms in your area free fire lighters :lol: someone else will be knocking on his door and getting that permission and the name of his next door farmer who needs someone as well, who also knows of another farmer who has loads of land and woods etc,now i bet you wished you had called in person.

This is how i got all my permissions,if one says no so what just visit as many as you need to till you have enough land to chose from.

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